I SURVIVED COVID-19! True story of survival.…annel/UCPDpF7rPPJtOuoAC85iEuTAMehr
True story of survival.…annel/UCPDpF7rPPJtOuoAC85iEuTA
1 Tsd.
Sacred Music in Canada (Adoramus Te/We Adore Thee) April 14, 2017: Church of Saints Joachim and Ann in Aldergrove, B.C.Mehr
Sacred Music in Canada (Adoramus Te/We Adore Thee)
April 14, 2017: Church of Saints Joachim and Ann in Aldergrove, B.C.
Good Friday Reproaches by Tomás Luis de Victoria in Canada. Good Friday, April 14, 2017: Church of Sts. Joachim and Ann in Aldergrove, Canada. Glorious tradition of liturgical music of the Roman rite …Mehr
Good Friday Reproaches by Tomás Luis de Victoria in Canada.
Good Friday, April 14, 2017: Church of Sts. Joachim and Ann in Aldergrove, Canada. Glorious tradition of liturgical music of the Roman rite at its best. The surest way to the soul is through music. That is why the devil has labored with such gusto to swamp Catholic liturgical music in recent years. So refreshing to attend services at Sts. Joachim and Ann where you can hear the splendor and genius of the music of the Roman rite - as the Church in Her wisdom has bequeathed it to us. This music was not written to be heard in a concert hall, but to be heard and felt in the context of the Church's living liturgical life. Thank you to all who sang. And to the pastor. Your efforts are for the greater glory of God and the sanctification of men. Your reward will be in heaven. God bless you all!
Palm Sunday in Canada. Aldergrove, British Columbia: April 9, 2017 outdoor Palm Sunday procession with palms.Mehr
Palm Sunday in Canada.
Aldergrove, British Columbia: April 9, 2017 outdoor Palm Sunday procession with palms.
Palm Sunday Vespers in Canada. Aldergrove, British Columbia: April 9, 2017 Palm Sunday Vespers at church of Sts. Joachim and Ann.Mehr
Palm Sunday Vespers in Canada.
Aldergrove, British Columbia: April 9, 2017 Palm Sunday Vespers at church of Sts. Joachim and Ann.
11,1 Tsd.
Extraordinary Form in Canada. Fr. William Ashley of Sts. Joachim and Ann in Aldergrove, B.C. celebrates Holy Mass on Palm Sunday 2017.Mehr
Extraordinary Form in Canada.
Fr. William Ashley of Sts. Joachim and Ann in Aldergrove, B.C. celebrates Holy Mass on Palm Sunday 2017.
Tridentinum mass is NOT extra ordinary but ORDINARY FORM of Mass.
The Voice of Pius XII ("Urbi et Orbi" Blessing) Fascinating to hear the voice for a person born in 1876. Let us pray for his speedy beatification and canonization!Mehr
The Voice of Pius XII ("Urbi et Orbi" Blessing)
Fascinating to hear the voice for a person born in 1876. Let us pray for his speedy beatification and canonization!
Church of St. Agnes (St. Paul, USA) Organ recessional.Mehr
Church of St. Agnes (St. Paul, USA)
Organ recessional.
3 Tsd.
A Taste of Rome! Procession through downtown Rome.Mehr
A Taste of Rome!
Procession through downtown Rome.
2,8 Tsd.
Birthday in Rome
Annual "Populus Summorum Pontificum" Pilgrimage in the Vatican. Solemn Pontifical High Mass in the Vatican Basilica for the 5th Annual Pilgrimage "Populus Summorum Pontificum."Mehr
Annual "Populus Summorum Pontificum" Pilgrimage in the Vatican.
Solemn Pontifical High Mass in the Vatican Basilica for the 5th Annual Pilgrimage "Populus Summorum Pontificum."
In The Service of God. Oriented toward God, and for God. The Faith and properly ordered worship of our Catholic forefathers. May God be praised in His …Mehr
In The Service of God.
Oriented toward God, and for God.
The Faith and properly ordered worship of our Catholic forefathers.
May God be praised in His faithful servants, and children.
V Pellegrinaggio del Populus Summorum Pontificum. 5th annual "Populus Summorum Pontificum" Pilgrimage in Rome & the Vatican.Mehr
V Pellegrinaggio del Populus Summorum Pontificum.
5th annual "Populus Summorum Pontificum" Pilgrimage in Rome & the Vatican.
23,4 Tsd.
The is a giant web platform uniting all of the groups across Canada dedicated to raising awareness of the value of human life at ALL of its stages. Our supporters,…Mehr
The is a giant web platform uniting all of the groups across Canada dedicated to raising awareness of the value of human life at ALL of its stages. Our supporters, benefactors, volunteers and staff number in the tens of thousands and we care about Life! We want to reach out to women in unplanned pregnancies and give them solutions they can live with. We want to protect the vulnerable, and those most at risk of assisted suicide. We do this work because we care about people. We care about human life. Join us!
Great initiative!
15,6 Tsd.
Mass with Cardinal Burke in Rome at FSSP Parish. September 6, 2015.Mehr
Mass with Cardinal Burke in Rome at FSSP Parish.
September 6, 2015.
two pontifical MC´s celebrate the old mass in st. peter´s basilica publicaly. I attended one of them and a friend of mine served at the altar of saint …Mehr
two pontifical MC´s celebrate the old mass in st. peter´s basilica publicaly. I attended one of them and a friend of mine served at the altar of saint michael the archangel at the MC´s mass. One of the other MC´s has concelebrated a mass on the altar next to saint michael´s. such a big difference betwenn the two masses.
75,5 Tsd.
Rome Baptism with Cardinal Burke at FSSP Parish. Sunday, September 6, 2015.Mehr
Rome Baptism with Cardinal Burke at FSSP Parish.
Sunday, September 6, 2015.
Danke für dieses schöne Video. Beten wir, dass die FSSP dem traditionellen Ritus auch gegen Widerstände treu bleibt.
1. wundervoll die Spendung der Heiligen Taufe im traditionellen Ritus der Heiligen Katholische Kirche, 2. welche geistige Armut strohl dagegen die neue …Mehr
1. wundervoll die Spendung der Heiligen Taufe im traditionellen Ritus der Heiligen Katholische Kirche,
2. welche geistige Armut strohl dagegen die neue Form der Spende diese Sakramentes heute aus,
3. mögen die Priester und Bischöfe die der Liturgie der Kirche treu bleiben diesen Ritus niemals vernachlässigen
5 weitere Kommentare
Sacred Music at FSSP Camp in Canada. Parishioners of Holy Family parish in Vancouver sing Ave Maria at parish camping trip.Mehr
Sacred Music at FSSP Camp in Canada.
Parishioners of Holy Family parish in Vancouver sing Ave Maria at parish camping trip.
👏 🙏
Dawid teilt das
Sacred Music at FSSP Camp in Canada. Sacred Music at FSSP Camp in CanadaMehr
Sacred Music at FSSP Camp in Canada.
Sacred Music at FSSP Camp in Canada
13,6 Tsd.
Sicut Cervus at FSSP Camp in Canada. Holy Family parish choir of Vancouver sings Palestrina under the careful direction of their great choirmaster, Mr.Mark Donnelly.Mehr
Sicut Cervus at FSSP Camp in Canada.
Holy Family parish choir of Vancouver sings Palestrina under the careful direction of their great choirmaster, Mr.Mark Donnelly.
cristine 4
Tem protestantes e adeptos de seitas do Brasil que estão invadindo o site em português do
5,1 Tsd.
Salve Mater Misericordiae Sung at FSSP Camp in Canada. Holy Family parish of Vancouver annual camping trip. Choristers sing this lovely Marian anthem, attributed to the Carmelite Order, which expresses …Mehr
Salve Mater Misericordiae Sung at FSSP Camp in Canada.
Holy Family parish of Vancouver annual camping trip. Choristers sing this lovely Marian anthem, attributed to the Carmelite Order, which expresses our devotion to Mary as our Mother, ever solicitous to the needs of her children.
55,1 Tsd.
Mass at Mexico City Cathedral. Mass at the High Altar of Kings in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico City.Mehr
Mass at Mexico City Cathedral.
Mass at the High Altar of Kings in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Mexico City.
Uff. Pred týmto oltárom je človek skutočne iba maličkým stvorením, naproti Božej velebnosti. Pristúpiť k nemu po schodoch by si u mňa vyžadoval trojité …Mehr
Uff. Pred týmto oltárom je človek skutočne iba maličkým stvorením, naproti Božej velebnosti. Pristúpiť k nemu po schodoch by si u mňa vyžadoval trojité vstupné modlitby. Omša ktorá likviduje humanizmus - človek v strede - ale upevňuje vieru v Krista, na ktorého je všetko zamerané... Nádhera, rešpekt, úcta...
Peter M. Bauer
Arquidiocese de Olinda e Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil - In Olinda, Pernambuco, Brasilien (Arquidiocese de Olinda e Recife), wo ich lebe: Beten und bitten …Mehr
Arquidiocese de Olinda e Recife, Pernambuco, Brasil -
In Olinda, Pernambuco, Brasilien (Arquidiocese de Olinda e Recife), wo ich lebe:
Beten und bitten sind für mich eins. Das Opfer Christi ist zentral im Mittelpunkt des katholischen Glaubens, vor allem die Hl. Kommunion mit Leib und Blut Christi. Ich kann mich mit nur der Gabe des Leibes Christi bei der Hl. Kommunion nicht abfinden. In Olinda, Pernambuco, Brasilien, wo ich lebe, gibt es schon eine Gruppe von Priestern, welche auf Absprache nur noch die Hl. Kommunion trocken in die Hand geben. Auch tragen sie das Priestergewand ohne Kreuz und mit nichts mehr an christlicher Simbolik. Diese Priester lügen auch, wenn man sie auf die Gabe der Hl. Kommunion mit Leib und Blut Christi anspricht.

Dem einen Priester ist der Kelch oben zu eng, um die Hostie einzutauchen. Das sagte mir dieser Priester in der Kirche de SÂO PEDRO MÁRTIR DE VERONA in Olinda. Ich bot im Geld an, einen für ihn richtigen Kelch zu kaufen.
Dem anderen Priester ist eine …Mehr
3 weitere Kommentare
2,7 Tsd.
Dario Card. Castrillon Hoyos at FSSP Rome Parish. Rome: October 18, 2008: The arrival of His Eminence Dario Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos at the FSSP's Rome parish, Ss. Trinita dei Pellegrini.Mehr
Dario Card. Castrillon Hoyos at FSSP Rome Parish.
Rome: October 18, 2008: The arrival of His Eminence Dario Cardinal Castrillon Hoyos at the FSSP's Rome parish, Ss. Trinita dei Pellegrini.