USCCB President Cardinal Dolan celebrates Catholicism of VP picks Biden and Ryan

Photo ~ Joe Biden, Cardinal Dolan and Paul Ryan USCCB President Cardinal Dolan celebrates Catholicism of VP picks Biden and Ryan In a recent interview with National Review’s Kathryn Jean Lopez, New …More
Photo ~ Joe Biden, Cardinal Dolan and Paul Ryan
USCCB President Cardinal Dolan celebrates Catholicism of VP picks Biden and Ryan
In a recent interview with National Review’s Kathryn Jean Lopez, New York Cardinal Timothy Dolan celebrated the Catholicism of both candidates for US Vice President - Democrat VP Joe Biden and Republican Paul Ryan. “Do you not think it’s a cause for celebration in the Catholic community in the United States of America that the two vice-presidential candidates are Catholic?,” Dolan told Lopez.
Nevertheless, the ‘Catholicism’ of the two Vice Presidential candidates could hardly be further from one another according to Catholic League President Bill Donohue.
“Ryan’s idea of freedom of choice commits him to supporting school vouchers; Biden’s notion of choice commits him to abortion rights,” said Donohue in a press recent press release. “Ryan is opposed to reinventing the institution of marriage; Biden wants to expand marriage to include two people of the same sex.” …More
When Cardinal Dolan was in Wisconsin as a Bishop he took a very strong stand against Obama comming to speak at the university of Nortre Dame. Now he is out in New York City and he is catering to every liberal minded cause, first the changing the blurring of the Catholic Voters Guide. The year following his becomming Bishop of the diocese of New York the Catholic Voters Guide from the USCCB changed …More
When Cardinal Dolan was in Wisconsin as a Bishop he took a very strong stand against Obama comming to speak at the university of Nortre Dame. Now he is out in New York City and he is catering to every liberal minded cause, first the changing the blurring of the Catholic Voters Guide. The year following his becomming Bishop of the diocese of New York the Catholic Voters Guide from the USCCB changed. It stopped saying that life issues trump all other issues and brought up more issues, immgration, poverty and such as being all lumped together into the same pile. He's a political monster and he has power and he is just going do what it takes to maintain his power. He has an outright double standard and is not to be trusted. Now he is ruining all people who work hard to end abortion and stand up to homosexual "marriage." All this for cause that he is being swayed by for political influence.
While clown masses have somewhat diminished there is no shortage of clown Bishops. 🤗
Ben Martin
It would do us good. Wake up the good faithful to see that the enemy is within the Church--the Novus Ordo heirarchy. They are wolves in sheep clothing wearing bishop clothing.
The good need to see their enemy for who and what they are and not continue to harbor them further believing they are being obedient.
They are being used to do the work of Satan.More
It would do us good. Wake up the good faithful to see that the enemy is within the Church--the Novus Ordo heirarchy. They are wolves in sheep clothing wearing bishop clothing.

The good need to see their enemy for who and what they are and not continue to harbor them further believing they are being obedient.

They are being used to do the work of Satan.
I pray to God this bafoon is never considered to be the successor of Benedict XVI.
Ben Martin
It show Dolan's true colors---to even praise baby killer and Apostate Biden show he does not love God but man and the glory man gives him--heretic!!