"Since the church media worldwide reported on the election of a homosexual Franciscan provincial, there were also protests from some confreres in leadership or training responsibility from other continents. They asked the general leadership of the order how they could admit me to the office of provincial superior since I was gay. Here our world order reflects the situation and the controversies in …More
"Since the church media worldwide reported on the election of a homosexual Franciscan provincial, there were also protests from some confreres in leadership or training responsibility from other continents. They asked the general leadership of the order how they could admit me to the office of provincial superior since I was gay. Here our world order reflects the situation and the controversies in the world church.”

Leaders of Germany's #OutInChurch Negative About Church's Response, Affirm Gay Religious - New Ways …

Reiner Teuber A leader of Germany’s #OutInChurch initiative has evaluated the church’s response to …