Gloria.TV News on the 3rd of February 2014 The Killing Continues: At the Sunday Angelus Pope Francis asked that everyone should respect and promote live from the womb to its end on this earth. He …More
Gloria.TV News on the 3rd of February 2014
The Killing Continues: At the Sunday Angelus Pope Francis asked that everyone should respect and promote live from the womb to its end on this earth. He encouraged all associations and movements who work to defend life. - At the same time, the German bishops allow that Catholic hospitals kill newly conceived babies in the womb of their mothers with the morning after pill.
Appeal Won: The Glasgow Catholic adoption agency St Margaret’s Children and Family Care Society has won an appeal against a ruling which removed its charitable status as it refused to consider gay adoptions. The chairman of St Margaret’s, last year described the raising of children by homosexuals as “a terrible social experiment”.
Deplorable And Sad: Distribution of Holy Communion is almost everywhere in the Church in a serious, deplorable and sad state according to auxiliary bishop Athanasius Schneider from Kasakhstan who spoke to the German “Kirchliche Umschau”. For Schneider …More
Hay Zeus
Hurrah for the Glasgow Catholic Adoption Agency!
mari pepa
Malleus Hæreticorum
Stop Communion in hand now! 😡
May God bless and helps bishop Athanasius in battle against the desecration.
padre geremia
i strongly agree with bishop Athanasius!
Bishop Schneider and Cardinal Raymond. Burke have often defended communion on the tongue..and kneeling.
Thank you
Auxiliary Bishop Athanasius Schneider