
Secretary of State John Kerry to visit the Vatican on Tuesday

Secretary of State John Kerry, in Paris for talks on the Syria crisis, will travel to Rome on Tuesday for talks at the Vatican. Kerry will meet with Secretary of State of the Holy See Pietro Parolin "…More
Secretary of State John Kerry, in Paris for talks on the Syria crisis, will travel to Rome on Tuesday for talks at the Vatican. Kerry will meet with Secretary of State of the Holy See Pietro Parolin "to discuss foreign policy priorities, including Pope Francis' vocal leadership on the Middle East peace process, poverty and humanitarian issues," said spokeswoman Jen Psaki.
✍️ Kerry says Obama "looks forward" to meeting Pope Francis in the Vatican ☕
John Kerry’s meeting with Pietro Parolin in the Vatican today ahead of the Geneva 2 peace conference lasted one hour and forty minutes. The issues focused on included Syria, South Sudan, US health care reform and the resumption of Israeli-Palestinian peace negotiations…/siria-syria-sir…