'Saddened and shocked': World leaders extend condolences after President Raeisi's martyrdom

Raeisi died alongside his accompanying delegation, including Foreign Minister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian, after …
Just one remark, to the English-speaking people (mainly Americans, I suppose).
To me, it's very clear that the only "Muslim" milieu where human reason is not despised, but put to work, is the Sciite one.
Nothing more, nothing less
E. Micheal Jones will write their eulogy. Islam in any form, Sufi, Sunni, and Shite is an evil religion in which all the texts support pre-pubescent marriage for girls to older men, and death for apostates, a voluntarist view of God. These tenets are contrary to reason.
I'd like to underline that, while "ordinary" Islam has not confidence nor pleasure in using reason, Shiite Islam does have (both).
This is a major, amazing fact.
At this moment, after this tragical death, the question isn't if there are, or not ,different ways of Salvation.
The question is: who, which kind of people, live in that Country and in that political system?
Siamo già impegnati a capire che persone vivono in questo paese, pretendere di capire quelle di altre culture, considerando che non viviamo lì, mi pare impresa assai difficile.
Quello che dispiace, nel leggere i commenti è il constatare che non si capisce la gravità della situazione.
Molto probabile che sia stato un attento compiuto da chi millanta una superiorità culturale che non esiste. …More
Siamo già impegnati a capire che persone vivono in questo paese, pretendere di capire quelle di altre culture, considerando che non viviamo lì, mi pare impresa assai difficile.
Quello che dispiace, nel leggere i commenti è il constatare che non si capisce la gravità della situazione.
Molto probabile che sia stato un attento compiuto da chi millanta una superiorità culturale che non esiste. L'occidente ateo, massonico e satanista che sta dietro a questi crimini non ci rappresenta e non deve trovare in noi cristiani nessuna simpatia.
paul arten
What martyrdom? The real martyrs are the one killed by this devil
People in Iran and Israel are celebrating. 🎉
Father Karl A Claver
If Baptism IS NECESSARY in order to get to Heaven, why should we pray for these heretics? It is one thing if they were ill and had a chance of conversion to the Catholic faith, but as Our Lord said," Just because you call out Lord Lord will not get you into Heaven.": Moslems are heretics, who do NOT pray to the Triune God.
These Persian princes have persecuted and killed many Christians and Iranians in Iran. Every evil comes to an end. I agree, I don't pray for the damned!
Please, why "martyrdom"?? They died for their faith?
If anything, it was mechanical malfunction, bad weather, a surface to air missile or Divine providence.
chris griffin
@English Catholic... you said- the more evil, the more we should pray/have Masses offered for them
Have you ever heard of a Mass for abortionists? No one would ever dare do that because the Holy Spirit said..."for my prayer will still be against the deeds of evildoers." Psalm 141:5 and But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he …More
@English Catholic... you said- the more evil, the more we should pray/have Masses offered for them

Have you ever heard of a Mass for abortionists? No one would ever dare do that because the Holy Spirit said..."for my prayer will still be against the deeds of evildoers." Psalm 141:5 and But your iniquities have separated between you and your God, and your sins have hid his face from you, that he will not hear. Isaiah 59:2. I urge you to do an about- face.
Patricia McKeever
@chris griffin
One of the Fathers of the Church, I think St Cyprian, once referenced God's desire for the salvation of every soul when he said that it is as if God has his ear to the lips of the worst-ever imaginable sinner, just to hear that sigh of repentance, a whisper of contrition.
Nobody who truly loves God could rejoice in the eternal death of any sinner, or wish for damnation for anyone.
chris griffin
@Patricia McKeever... You must remember that repentance after a life of evil "worst-ever imaginable sinner" is tremendously hard and very rare. I never said I wish damnation for anyone if you directed the comment at me.
I have many times prayed for the death of abortionists as shown by the Catholic Encyclopedia...
"One (odium abominationis, or loathing) is that in which the intense dislike is …More
@Patricia McKeever... You must remember that repentance after a life of evil "worst-ever imaginable sinner" is tremendously hard and very rare. I never said I wish damnation for anyone if you directed the comment at me.

I have many times prayed for the death of abortionists as shown by the Catholic Encyclopedia...

"One (odium abominationis, or loathing) is that in which the intense dislike is concentrated primarily on the qualities or attributes of a person, and only secondarily, and as it were derivatively, upon the person himself. This first-named species of hatred, in so far as it implies the reprobation of what is actually evil, is not a sin and may even represent a virtuous temper of soul. In other words, not only may I, but I even ought to, hate what is contrary to the moral law. Furthermore one may without sin go so far in the detestation of wrongdoing as to wish that which for its perpetrator is a very well-defined evil, yet under another aspect is a much more signal good. For instance, it would be lawful to pray for the death of a perniciously active heresiarch with a view to putting a stop to his ravages among the Christian people."

Patricia McKeever
@chris griffin
Your comment did appear to suggest that God would not listen to the repentant prayers of certain sinners, so I apologise if I got that wrong. I notice that you only ever mention the heinous sin of abortion - I hope I'm wrong about that, maybe I've missed something, but all sin is offensive to God - even the smallest sin offends against God's goodness and purity. I'm sure you know that.
chris griffin
@Patricia McKeever... Abortion cries out to God for vengeance and whatever you do to the least of the you do it to Jesus and no murderer has eternal life in him and child sacrifice which is today's abortion is the only sin that is "unthinkable" to God.
2,500 unborn babies are murdered everyday in the USA and very few people care, not even on a Catholic website.More
@Patricia McKeever... Abortion cries out to God for vengeance and whatever you do to the least of the you do it to Jesus and no murderer has eternal life in him and child sacrifice which is today's abortion is the only sin that is "unthinkable" to God.

2,500 unborn babies are murdered everyday in the USA and very few people care, not even on a Catholic website.
Patricia McKeever
@chris griffin
It's not possible to exaggerate the gravity of abortion. But that doesn't mean that there are no other sins, extremely grave sins. There are souls in Hell who have never had an abortion, never helped anyone else to have an abortion, never performed an abortion - may even have publicly condemned abortion - but they are in Hell for some other sin. Do you think any other sin matters? Or …More
@chris griffin
It's not possible to exaggerate the gravity of abortion. But that doesn't mean that there are no other sins, extremely grave sins. There are souls in Hell who have never had an abortion, never helped anyone else to have an abortion, never performed an abortion - may even have publicly condemned abortion - but they are in Hell for some other sin. Do you think any other sin matters? Or is God solely concerned about the heinous sin and crime of abortion?
chris griffin
@Patricia McKeever...Hi Patrica, thanks for your reply. I cannot but repeat word of God…
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans (what more pitiful orphan is there than a baby murdered by the baby's own mother) and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world”. James 1:27
This is a precept addressed to the Catholic Church …More
@Patricia McKeever...Hi Patrica, thanks for your reply. I cannot but repeat word of God…

“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans (what more pitiful orphan is there than a baby murdered by the baby's own mother) and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world”. James 1:27

This is a precept addressed to the Catholic Church and to each Catholic individually. Anybody the is not actively prolife does not have pure and undefiled religion on the single most important aspect of religion.

And again…“What man of you, having a hundred sheep, if he loses one of them, does not leave the ninety-nine in the wilderness, and go after the one which is lost until he finds it?” Luke 15:4

When it says “what man” it means every man. Leave the others in the wilderness and don’t stop until the lost sheep is found. These verses are a duty of the Catholic Church and a duty of every Catholic individually. Especially in regard to abortion, the most grievous sin in the world.
Patricia McKeever
@chris griffin
Well, "actively pro-life" to most people means being involved in some group or other fighting actively against the abortion law etc. I am not involved in any pro-life group although I take every opportunity to speak out against it, have written to MPs etc. on occasion. However, there are FOUR sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, of which wilful murder (abortion) is one. And with …More
@chris griffin
Well, "actively pro-life" to most people means being involved in some group or other fighting actively against the abortion law etc. I am not involved in any pro-life group although I take every opportunity to speak out against it, have written to MPs etc. on occasion. However, there are FOUR sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, of which wilful murder (abortion) is one. And with respect, it is not up to you to decide who possesses "religion that is pure and undefiled before God..." Only God can make that judgment. As St Paul put it in his first letter to the Corinthians, we may possess all the virtues (including fighting abortion) but if, all that being so, we lack charity, then we are as sounding brass and tinkling cymbals.

Now, if you disagree with anything I've written here, and insist that nothing except abortion is important, then I'll not respond further. Abortion is, of course, of central importance, but there are many other sins that grievously offend God - check it out; as well as the four sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance, there are Ten Commandments!
chris griffin
@Patricia McKeever...Thank you, Patricia, for your reply. This is a worthwhile conversation.
Actually, there are 5 sins that cry out to God for vengeance and two of them are directed to abortion.
1.the blood of Abel (Gen 4:10) 2. The cry of the orphan (Ex 22:22-24)
(The Catechism of the Catholic Church has the wrong citation for #2.)
Therefore 2 of the 5 cry out to God for vengeance on behalf of …More
@Patricia McKeever...Thank you, Patricia, for your reply. This is a worthwhile conversation.

Actually, there are 5 sins that cry out to God for vengeance and two of them are directed to abortion.

1.the blood of Abel (Gen 4:10) 2. The cry of the orphan (Ex 22:22-24)

(The Catechism of the Catholic Church has the wrong citation for #2.)

Therefore 2 of the 5 cry out to God for vengeance on behalf of the unborn. What more pitiful orphan is there than an unborn baby murdered by his mother.

In regard to…..“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world”. James 1:27. It is obvious that most Catholics hardly ever care about abortion. From the Pope to the pewsitters very little is done to stop abortion. In fact, most Catholics are pro-abortion. This condition is the opposite of pure and faultless religion.

America has murdered 65 million babies since R v W. There are now 2,500 unborn babies murdered every day in America, 200,000 everyday worldwide. This is the worst catastrophe in the history of the world.

It is obvious and undeniable.
Patricia McKeever
@chris griffin
No, there are NOT five, but FOUR sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance: Murder, Sodomy Oppression of the poor, and Defrauding workers of their just wages.
I disagree that this is a worthwhile conversation. You simply keep on telling me what I've known since well before I participated in the battle against the legalisation of abortion in the UK in 1967, without any apparent appreciation …More
@chris griffin
No, there are NOT five, but FOUR sins that cry to Heaven for vengeance: Murder, Sodomy Oppression of the poor, and Defrauding workers of their just wages.

I disagree that this is a worthwhile conversation. You simply keep on telling me what I've known since well before I participated in the battle against the legalisation of abortion in the UK in 1967, without any apparent appreciation that there are other grave sins as well. DUH! As for the "worst catastrophe in the history of the world" - that, as Our Lord has made clear, is to commit the "unforgiveable sin": "...Therefore, I say to you, every sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven men, but the blasphemy of the Spirit shall not be forgiven." (Matthew 12:31), In other words, repentant abortionists, whether repentant doctors or repentant women who have had abortions, can be forgiven and enter Heaven. Not so those who blaspheme against God the Holy Spirit. Any sin directly attacking God is, in the very nature of things, more serious than any other sin. I am amazed that you do not know this.

In any case, with all due respect, I will take my leave now and won't be responding further.
chris griffin
@Patricia McKeever...I am surprised that you claim to be a knowledgeable Catholic and don't know there are 5 sins the Catechism says "cry out to god for vengeance". You keep insisting that the sins are 4 but an elementary look at the Catechism plainly shows 5...
1867 The catechetical tradition also recalls that there are "sins that cry to heaven": the blood of Abel,139 the sin of the Sodomites,140…More
@Patricia McKeever...I am surprised that you claim to be a knowledgeable Catholic and don't know there are 5 sins the Catechism says "cry out to god for vengeance". You keep insisting that the sins are 4 but an elementary look at the Catechism plainly shows 5...

1867 The catechetical tradition also recalls that there are "sins that cry to heaven": the blood of Abel,139 the sin of the Sodomites,140 the cry of the people oppressed in Egypt,141 the cry of the foreigner, the widow, and the orphan,142 injustice to the wage earner.143

You have disclosed your ignorance and now you run away.
Patricia McKeever
@chris griffin
No, I didn't run away (that's the childish response of certain types when someone feels they have to withdraw from a discussion - accuse them "running away"). I was planning to return briefly because I have, almost by accident, uncovered a fact about you, through your various comments on GTV, that I was coming in to comment on that. Will do so in a moment, but first, your insistence on …More
@chris griffin
No, I didn't run away (that's the childish response of certain types when someone feels they have to withdraw from a discussion - accuse them "running away"). I was planning to return briefly because I have, almost by accident, uncovered a fact about you, through your various comments on GTV, that I was coming in to comment on that. Will do so in a moment, but first, your insistence on 5 sins that cry for vengeance, is rooted in a paragraph from the new Catechism of the Catholic Church, a catechism renowned for its unreliability, not to mention errors such as the novelty of making the death penalty "inadmissible". I prefer the traditional Catechisms, so here's the Catechism of Saint Pius X:

Catechism of St Pius X

8 – Q. Which are the sins that are said to cry to God for vengeance?

The sins that are said to cry to God for vengeance are these four: (1) Wilful murder; (2) The sin of sodomy; (3) Oppression of the poor; (4) Defrauding labourers of their wages.

I planned to return when I discovered that you do not accept the Church-approved Fatima apparitions, despite two of the three seers now being canonised saints, and you don't accept them because Our Lady did not mention abortion. Incredible. You need help, and I don't mean that sarcastically, but literally.

Sadly, you are simply an opponent of abortion, like many atheists, agnostics, Muslims, Hindus, Protestant and, of course, Catholics - but Catholics who accept ALL of the Church's teaching, ALL of Divine Revelation, not just the bits that suit their personal agendas. That is how you are presenting on this site. Your Catholicity, if it exists, is hidden behind the Protestant practice of citing select Scripture passages to support your argument - which is always about abortion.

So, I am not going to waste any more time with you. If you choose to make snide remarks and insult me because I do not have the time to keep going over the same ground over and over again, then you do that. I'm not interested.
chris griffin
@Patricia McKeever... You have made 2 obvious theological mistakes in a single post...
First is “ “Do not take advantage of the widow or the fatherless. If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry. My anger will be aroused, and I will kill you with the sword"
This is unquestionable a sin that cries out to God for vengeance which you denied. You chose to use an incomplete …More
@Patricia McKeever... You have made 2 obvious theological mistakes in a single post...

First is “ “Do not take advantage of the widow or the fatherless. If you do and they cry out to me, I will certainly hear their cry. My anger will be aroused, and I will kill you with the sword"
This is unquestionable a sin that cries out to God for vengeance which you denied. You chose to use an incomplete account of these sins that ignored this passage at you own fault(peril).

Second is your erroneous and completely false insistence that Fatima is divine revelation that must be accepted by all Catholics. Fatima is not divine revelation and no Catholic whatsoever is obliged to assent to it in any way shape or form.
Patricia McKeever
@chris griffin
Clarification: you are being totally untruthful to claim that I said Fatima "must be accepted by all Catholics". Nowhere, did I say that. You have thus identified yourself as a troll, a person who thinks nothing of peddling falsehoods and blackening the character of another. Your fixation with the abortion issue does not mean you get a pass on every other sin. You even call Our Lady …More
@chris griffin

Clarification: you are being totally untruthful to claim that I said Fatima "must be accepted by all Catholics". Nowhere, did I say that. You have thus identified yourself as a troll, a person who thinks nothing of peddling falsehoods and blackening the character of another. Your fixation with the abortion issue does not mean you get a pass on every other sin. You even call Our Lady to account for not mentioning abortion in her Church-approved apparitions! Some Catholic - about as Catholic as Joe Biden!
English Catholic
@chrisgriffin I thought of you when I saw this: The … and your previous statement that you wouldn't believe in the approved apparitions of the Virgin because She didn't specifically mention abortion. Read it. Thoroughly.
Patricia McKeever
@English Catholic
Game, set and match, English Catholic. You hit that nail bang on the head! Pay attention, @chris griffin 🤪 😉 😋
chris griffin
@Patricia McKeever... these are your words... "but Catholics who accept ALL of the Church's teaching, ALL of Divine Revelation, not just the bits that suit their personal agendas." This is your obvious reference in context to "apparitions being Divine Revelation
chris griffin
@English Catholic... You know damn well that no Catholic must believe in Fatima. I have my reasons and you are a low down, ne'er-do well casting aspersions and doubts on another Catholic. You have no discernment; you simply copy other people.
There are somewhere between 7-12 apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Tell me that you believe and honor all of them and I will call you foolish.More
@English Catholic... You know damn well that no Catholic must believe in Fatima. I have my reasons and you are a low down, ne'er-do well casting aspersions and doubts on another Catholic. You have no discernment; you simply copy other people.

There are somewhere between 7-12 apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Tell me that you believe and honor all of them and I will call you foolish.
English Catholic
@chris griffin I never said you had to believe in Fatima. Show me where I did. I asked you to read this post by Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort The … who died in 1716 - 201 years before Fatima even happened. The rest of your comments are just ad hominem attacks without explanation.
I think there are even more than twelve apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary that have been approved by …More
@chris griffin I never said you had to believe in Fatima. Show me where I did. I asked you to read this post by Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort The … who died in 1716 - 201 years before Fatima even happened. The rest of your comments are just ad hominem attacks without explanation.
I think there are even more than twelve apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary that have been approved by the Church. The Church doesn't teach that we have to believe any of them. Nor does the Church teach that we have to honour (by specific acts of devotion) all the particular apparitions, daily or even occasionally.
It would be easy to say certain things to you publicly, that would possibly humiliate you, but I don't want to do that. I'd like to speak with you privately, through 'Chat' to prove that I am not just trying to score points off you. If you want to, you know where I am, through the 'Chat' facility. If you don't want to, fine. Incidentally - are you male or female? 'Chris' could mean Christopher or Christine and could have some relevance on my observations of your behaviour on GTV. I am male, by the way.
chris griffin
@English Catholic...Since you think that you can blackmail and humiliate me then that proves you are you are worse than I thought.
In your previous post you said that you thought of me when you saw these and therefore accused me PUBLICALLY, a fellow Catholic, of one or more of the following faults…
1) critical 2) scrupulous 3) external 4) presumptuous 5) fickle
6) hypocritical
And I deny that …More
@English Catholic...Since you think that you can blackmail and humiliate me then that proves you are you are worse than I thought.

In your previous post you said that you thought of me when you saw these and therefore accused me PUBLICALLY, a fellow Catholic, of one or more of the following faults…

1) critical 2) scrupulous 3) external 4) presumptuous 5) fickle
6) hypocritical

And I deny that emphatically. That was a low blow because you knew full well that I did not believe any of the apparitions because they never mentioned abortion.

You have also revealed your very little concern about abortion, which is the greatest evil in the world.
English Catholic
@Everyday for Life Canada Very well said. So why aren't more Catholics praying rosaries and having Masses offered for world leaders, those with global power and influence etc - no matter how evil they are or appear to be - in fact, the more evil, the more we should pray/have Masses offered for them. Why not 'adopt' one or even a few particularly problematic 'global leaders' and saturate them in …More
@Everyday for Life Canada Very well said. So why aren't more Catholics praying rosaries and having Masses offered for world leaders, those with global power and influence etc - no matter how evil they are or appear to be - in fact, the more evil, the more we should pray/have Masses offered for them. Why not 'adopt' one or even a few particularly problematic 'global leaders' and saturate them in Masses and prayers. It's so easy to moan about these people on blogs like GTV, but so unproductive, unless the spiritual help they need is being sought for them.
Everyday for Life Canada
You’re right and you make good suggestions. But to answer your question as to why we are not doing what you say. In short, we have lost our zeal for the faith. Where is that fire? Pentecost has become just a story in the West. Europe refused to put God in its constitution. If more who claim to be believers in the West, were ready to lose their lives for the faith, as the apostles did, we would have …More
You’re right and you make good suggestions. But to answer your question as to why we are not doing what you say. In short, we have lost our zeal for the faith. Where is that fire? Pentecost has become just a story in the West. Europe refused to put God in its constitution. If more who claim to be believers in the West, were ready to lose their lives for the faith, as the apostles did, we would have a much better world. Faith without action is not only cheap but dead. We pray in our parish often for world leaders and their conversion of heart.
English Catholic
@Everyday for Life Canada I remember Sr Lucia of Fatima once saying - but I can't remember what in regard to - that the pleas to God weren't as efficacious, because although many had prayed, few had made sacrifices and done penance. Perhaps there's a lesson in that. I'll try and find the exact quote. I think it was something to do with Portugal.
Everyday for Life Canada
If we all thought about it seriously, world leaders and not, that one day we are all going to die, the world could be a much better place. There are no ideologies in cemeteries. We all must account to God.
Qualcuno ciah mossad una mano!
They probably had an agent working as a mechanic who misplaced a screw or bolt in the chopper. If they did it, it was magnificent 👏 👏 👏 Bravo!
John A Cassani
They must have hired Boeing mechanics.
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