Quotes from Cardinal Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, on 7 Moral Issues

Photo ~ Pope Francis, then Cardinal, riding public transport. Quotes from Cardinal Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, on 7 Moral Issues 1. Abortion Abortion is without a doubt one of the greatest moral …More
Photo ~ Pope Francis, then Cardinal, riding public transport.
Quotes from Cardinal Bergoglio, now Pope Francis, on 7 Moral Issues
1. Abortion

Abortion is without a doubt one of the greatest moral evils within modernity. As the “Advocate of Christian Memory,” a pope must take up the mantle of defending the culture of life – a defense the Early Church held against the pagans of Rome.
He once called abortion a “death sentence” for unborn children, during a 2007 speech and likening opposition to abortion to opposition to the death penalty.
In an October 2, 2007 speech Bergoglio said that “we aren’t in agreement with the death penalty,” but “in Argentina we have the death penalty. A child conceived by the rape of a mentally ill or retarded woman can be condemned to death.”2
Notice he does not flench on abortion being a “death penalty” for those conceived in rape. Though a child may be conceived by horrid means, that individual child’s life is still innocent and untouched by that evil. God …More
If everything I am reading is correct he will be a great Pope. All we can do now is watch and see if it all follows through.
"Homosexual 'marriage', is the machination of the Father of Lies."
All of us must include the new Vicar of Christ in our daily prayers and offer our sacrifices for his intentions. May he be the saint we need in our troubled world and church.
We must pray much for Our Holy Father. 🙏
holyrope 3
Good Post. 😇