Ludovic Denim
161 pages
The Councils of the Catholic Church making laws against the Jews. Why the Catholic Church forbade the Jews to get some positions ? Just to protect our nations, our peoples, to be under the yoke of the …More
The Councils of the Catholic Church making laws against the Jews.
Why the Catholic Church forbade the Jews to get some positions ? Just to protect our nations, our peoples, to be under the yoke of the Jews that were abusing and ruining us.
Since 3 centuries that the French Revolution happened, they got great positions in fields that were always forbidden to them and that's why there is a consensus among them to become doctors, lawyers, and so on. Now, one can even see that they reinvent the history by making such films as "Joan of Arc" by Luc Besson in an anti-catholic fashion (one can watch the document of Hervé Ryssen on Gloria about the Anti-Christianism in the cinema) and that they want peoples to believe that they invented the healthcare or the medicine whereas it's the Catholic church and Her Saints that made it. Peoples have become so ignorant after their reign that nowadays it becomes quite normal to see a teacher being pregnant from a student, things that would have totally …More
Ludovic Denim
Maurice Pinay was several persons, but the main coordinator of this book was Mgr Lefebvre.
How do you know?
Ludovic Denim
I read this in different books like the one in French about the network Rampolla ("le réseau Rampolla") by Henri Barbier. We have a French edition house that is very performing :
Ludovic Denim
Pardon, the books in English :
but there are also books in Spanish that you would be interested of certainly...
That's very interesting. The SSPX has been accused of antisemitism but their weak leadership in the past decade retreated against this attack, hence Bp. Williamson's removal. The jewish watchdog organizations ADL, SPLC, and the jew press slandered them. Traitors, heretics, and other enemies of Christ followed suit playing up the lies of the jews.…/the-society-of-……More
That's very interesting. The SSPX has been accused of antisemitism but their weak leadership in the past decade retreated against this attack, hence Bp. Williamson's removal. The jewish watchdog organizations ADL, SPLC, and the jew press slandered them. Traitors, heretics, and other enemies of Christ followed suit playing up the lies of the jews.…/the-society-of-……/behind-bishop-a……/sspx-removes-my……/anti-semitism-s……
Ludovic Denim
We have documents about Bishop Williamson (like on the French sedevacantist website Virgo Maria or the book I spoke you of) and he was sent by Malcom Muggeridge who belongs to the Fabian society... It has been said that Williamson protected pedophiles in his district and is helped by some infiltrators in the SSPX. Mgr Williamson has link with the Avrillé's Dominicans in France whose leader is the …More
We have documents about Bishop Williamson (like on the French sedevacantist website Virgo Maria or the book I spoke you of) and he was sent by Malcom Muggeridge who belongs to the Fabian society... It has been said that Williamson protected pedophiles in his district and is helped by some infiltrators in the SSPX. Mgr Williamson has link with the Avrillé's Dominicans in France whose leader is the brother of an other strong and obviously bad secret society, which explain how they could get financed all of a sudden a complete renovation and an expensive library...
The SSPX has been infiltrated to the point that even Mgr Lefebvre asked a journalist women to stop to repeat what he told her sooner, namely that a few time after he ordained some priests they laughed at him saying they were freemasons and there was others in the SSPX that he didn't know. The question is about if they were ordained before to be freemasons or later...

In my opinion, it's clear that Bishop Williamson knew that Pope Benedict XVI was going to lift the excommunication and wanted then preventing him to do so by speaking to a Swedish television while in Germany (the former Nazi state with the possibility of a judgement there that would muddle more Pope Benedict XVI and the Catholic church for this lift) and saying the most antisemitic rant he could. Pope Benedict XVI was embarrassed but was very courageous to lift anyway the excommunications. Williamson wanted to stay excommunicated and then ordain a new French bishop of ......73 years old LOL
Williamson is not to trust as he used the antisemitism argument in order to attack the Catholic church while he knew he wouldn't seem suspicious anyway but rather like a good guy. Of course, he used this because it was to oblige Pope Benedict XVI to stop given the public opinion while at his own seat he would just be like more radical and "genuine". Like the central bank of Italy that blocked the Vatican's ATM as of the 1st January because they didn't appreciate the Papacy of Benedict XVI and wanted him to announce his resignation, he certainly didn't like his Motu Proprio of 2007 that allowed all - and not the SSPX - to make the Tridentine Mass (that's the reason why the Franciscains have been attacked by Francis as they chose to make the old Mass instead of keeping the new one after the Motu Proprio).

You can also watch this if you don't know already and if otherwise you can find the translation @mattsixteen24 : L'ACTION JUDÉO-MAÇONNIQUE DANS LE CONCILE (.PDF)
L'Oeucuménisme (Mgr Lefebvre)
Also his book "they have uncrowned Him" that you have certainly : D. Lefebvre - Ils l´ont découronné – Du libéralisme à l´apostasie, la tragédie conciliaire

350 erreurs et hérésies du CEC
La destruction de la FSSPX aux États-Unis en 1983
« Du sang sur l’autel » : le luciférianisme de l’O.T.O., secte d’affiliation du cardinal …
Le cercle des espions de Cambridge « Les Apôtres »
And of course, neither Mgr Lefebvre nor the SSPX are antisemitic. We adore Jesus Christ who is a Jew, we cherish His Mother that is a Jew and all the apostles (except one maybe), and France is protected because most of the Jews that knew Our Lord Jesus Christ went in Brittany and settled there or near Marseilles at a place called Saint Maximin where one can find the relics of Saint Marie-Magdalena.
And of course, neither Mgr Lefebvre nor the SSPX are antisemitic. We adore Jesus Christ who is a Jew, we cherish His Mother that is a Jew and all the apostles (except one maybe), and France is protected because most of the Jews that knew Our Lord Jesus Christ went in Brittany and settled there or near Marseilles at a place called Saint Maximin where one can find the relics of Saint Marie-Magdalena.

The fact is Jews are jealous towards French and they accused us (LOL) to rob their place in the world for 2 000 years... Come on', the Messiah has come already and THEY are THE ELECT PEOPLES for having received HIM. They even accused us about the most famous bread's shape we used to do while it seems more to a spectre than to a snake Lol :
Ludovic Denim
An interest rate is usury and in the US a loan can get an interest rate of more than 20% which makes peoples getting very poor. Thanks to the Catholic teachings, this is still forbidden for instance in France but for how long yet though ?... With the power of usury, a Christian becomes vassal of a Jew or a Muslim and then is asked to become an apostate... That's possibly a part of the 3rd Secret of …More
An interest rate is usury and in the US a loan can get an interest rate of more than 20% which makes peoples getting very poor. Thanks to the Catholic teachings, this is still forbidden for instance in France but for how long yet though ?... With the power of usury, a Christian becomes vassal of a Jew or a Muslim and then is asked to become an apostate... That's possibly a part of the 3rd Secret of Fatima about what happens in the Vatican and our Catholic media with so many traitors and infiltrations !! One should see this too for the case of the traitor Malachi Martin : The Judas goats by Michal Collins Piper