Bishop Gruss Blasts ‘Devout Catholic’ Joe Biden

Bishop Gruss Blasts ‘Devout Catholic’ Joe Biden

A Catholic bishop in Michigan vilified President Joe Biden as a “stupid” Catholic “who is not living the life Jesus wants for him” during a presentation …
Again this "devout Catholic" thing is generational. When everyone who was Catholic - from pious nun to mafia don - agreed on what the faith actually taught, the devout person went to Church regularly, the lapsed or fallen away Catholic rarely. But even that one still knew what the faith really taught, they just didn't go to Church for whatever reason (sinful life, false humility, stubbornness, …More
Again this "devout Catholic" thing is generational. When everyone who was Catholic - from pious nun to mafia don - agreed on what the faith actually taught, the devout person went to Church regularly, the lapsed or fallen away Catholic rarely. But even that one still knew what the faith really taught, they just didn't go to Church for whatever reason (sinful life, false humility, stubbornness, laziness, etc.) HOWEVER after Vatican II, modernist heresy was acclaimed, so one could still "identify" as Catholic and believe whatever you wanted! So even if one is a raging dissenter from the faith, if you go to Mass [even one rife with liturgical abuse] and consider yourself Catholic - the MSM will call you "devout".

The bishop is correct; Biden doesn't know what he's talking about when it comes to Church teaching - whether this from dementia or willful - you decide; but I'm betting it's been his misguided stance for some time.
chris griffin
@Orthocat...I see what you mean about the MSM. Dementia would be an excuse but nothing else because the Commandment THOU SHALL NOT MURDER is written on every human heart. Maybe that is what the Bishop was trying to convey but used the word "stupid" instead of "dementia". Thanks
Liam Ronan
@chris griffin One of us, my friend, has misunderstood the various nuances employed in what is being communicated by this article and its presentation. We'll leave it at that. Peace.
chris griffin
@Liam Ronan... butt Biden goes to Mass and takes Holy Communion therefore he is devout as the article says. Plus the Bishop "vilified" Biden calling him "stupid" for advocating and facilitating abortion.
The Wandering Recluse
Chris, explain to me what the quotation marks on each end of "devout Catholic" mean. Why did they put the two words in quotation marks?
chris griffin
@The Wandering Recluse...thanks for the message. "devout Catholic" is a lie like "Wonderful Judas" or "Righteous Cain". Why don't they tell the truth like "horrible Catholic" or "heretical Catholic" or "Catholic traitor". How can anyone trust someone who lies to gain attention. Thanks
chris griffin
@Liam Ronan...the headline of the post says he is a devout Catholic so he must be.
Liam Ronan
@chris griffin My guess from the title of this piece is that by framing the words 'Devout Catholic' as it does, that term was meant to be an ironic description.
chris griffin
According to this post Biden is a devout Catholic.
Liam Ronan
No. This bishop characterizes him as 'stupid'. Not exactly a hard-hitting criticism to be sure.
Liam Ronan
@ComplicitClergy He plays devout to get de-vote and not de-boot.