At what point do the faithful say, “ENOUGH”! Of course having an impact on world affairs or politics would be expensive. In the case of the Church, it is cheap. A short (one page or less) anonymous letter indicating one or two, a most, acts which are beyond the pale and that you are withholding donations until this nonsense stops. Then, don’t give. The secret is that the fixed costs for any church …More
At what point do the faithful say, “ENOUGH”! Of course having an impact on world affairs or politics would be expensive. In the case of the Church, it is cheap. A short (one page or less) anonymous letter indicating one or two, a most, acts which are beyond the pale and that you are withholding donations until this nonsense stops. Then, don’t give. The secret is that the fixed costs for any church are high. Even a modest reduction in donations will be sorely felt, and quickly. Get with it people, ENOUGH!

Illinois bishops forbid promotion of petition seeking parental consent for minors' abortions, 'sex …

Thu Jan 11, 2024 - 9:04 pm ESTFri Jan 12, 2024 - 10:36 am EST (LifeSiteNews) — Multiple Illinois …
I see cardinal Cupich mentioned here but the article does not name any bishops.
Everyday for Life Canada
To be promoted a bishop has to be one of the sheep. That’s why so few are willing to speak out about anything to do with defending the faith.
The bishops are afraid that the gov't will cut the flow of money to their coffers. First requirement of a modern bishop is to be a coward.