Better to Attend a Parish That Lacks Truth? Or One That Lacks Love?

Should you attend a parish that promotes truth or charity? The obvious answer is If I were to argue for the latter, my very best argument …
Ivan Tomas
This time P.P. talks too much about the obvious. There is no thing good without truth, if not in truth and with the truth. So, neither is the love itself, which is then only an empty shell.
The Wandering Recluse
I'm glad you said that. I had the same impression when I finished the article, truth and love run hand-in-hand. If we eliminate one of them, the other one certainly breaks apart.
Ivan Tomas
Indeed! That is also with God Justice and Mercy, they both goes hand-in-hand. And actually, that is one and the very same thing,- which is only perceived differently, and that is because of one's own merits!