(4/4) « Changement climatique : écologie humaine ou idéologie malthusienne ?» par M. Buffetaut. Conférence sur le changement climatique. Monsieur Buffetaut est juriste de droit européen et spécialiste …More
(4/4) « Changement climatique : écologie humaine ou idéologie malthusienne ?» par M. Buffetaut.
Conférence sur le changement climatique.
Monsieur Buffetaut est juriste de droit européen et spécialiste du droit environnemental et préside actuellement l’Observatoire du développement durable du Comité économique et social européen. Il a été député au Parlement européen et Maire-adjoint de Versailles durant treize ans.
Plus informations:
(3/4)« Changement climatique : écologie humaine ou idéologie malthusienne ?» par M. Buffetaut. Conférence sur le changement climatique. Monsieur Buffetaut est juriste de droit européen et spécialiste …More
(3/4)« Changement climatique : écologie humaine ou idéologie malthusienne ?» par M. Buffetaut.
Conférence sur le changement climatique.
Monsieur Buffetaut est juriste de droit européen et spécialiste du droit environnemental et préside actuellement l’Observatoire du développement durable du Comité économique et social européen. Il a été député au Parlement européen et Maire-adjoint de Versailles durant treize ans.
Plus informations:
(2/4) "Climate Change: Human Ecology and Malthusian ideology?" By Mr Buffetaut. Conference about climate change. Stéphane Buffetaut is a jurist in European law and specialist in environmental legislation …More
(2/4) "Climate Change: Human Ecology and Malthusian ideology?" By Mr Buffetaut.
Conference about climate change.
Stéphane Buffetaut is a jurist in European law and specialist in environmental legislation and currently chairs the Sustainable Development Observatory of the European Economic and Social Committee. He was a Member of Parliament and assistant mayor of Versailles for thirteen years.
More information:
(1/4) « Changement climatique : écologie humaine ou idéologie malthusienne ?» par M. Buffetaut. Conférence sur le changement climatique. Monsieur Stéphane Buffetaut est juriste de droit européen et …More
(1/4) « Changement climatique : écologie humaine ou idéologie malthusienne ?» par M. Buffetaut.
Conférence sur le changement climatique.
Monsieur Stéphane Buffetaut est juriste de droit européen et spécialiste du droit environnemental et préside actuellement l’Observatoire du développement durable du Comité économique et social européen. Il a été député au Parlement européen et Maire-adjoint de Versailles durant treize ans.
Plus informations:
(3/3) Conférence sur la famille, par Mme Anna Zaborska, MEP. « La Famille Chrétienne : Modèle dépassé ou tremplin pour la régénération de l’Europe ? » par Mme Anna Zaborska, MEP Plus informations: …More
(3/3) Conférence sur la famille, par Mme Anna Zaborska, MEP.
« La Famille Chrétienne : Modèle dépassé ou tremplin pour la régénération de l’Europe ? » par Mme Anna Zaborska, MEP
Plus informations:
(2/3) Conférence sur la famille, par Mme Anna Zaborska, MEP. « La Famille Chrétienne : Modèle dépassé ou tremplin pour la régénération de l’Europe ? » par Mme Anna Zaborska, MEP Plus informations: …More
(2/3) Conférence sur la famille, par Mme Anna Zaborska, MEP.
« La Famille Chrétienne : Modèle dépassé ou tremplin pour la régénération de l’Europe ? » par Mme Anna Zaborska, MEP
Plus informations:
(1/3) Conférence sur la famille, par Mme Anna Zaborska, MEP. « La Famille Chrétienne : Modèle dépassé ou tremplin pour la régénération de l’Europe ? » par Mme Anna Zaborska, MEP Plus informations: …More
(1/3) Conférence sur la famille, par Mme Anna Zaborska, MEP.
« La Famille Chrétienne : Modèle dépassé ou tremplin pour la régénération de l’Europe ? »
par Mme Anna Zaborska, MEP
Plus informations:
(4/4) Conference of the European deputy Magdi Cristiano Allam. This is Magdi Cristiano Allam, Egyptian-born Muslim convert to Catholicism, journalist and former deputy director of the prestigious …More
(4/4) Conference of the European deputy Magdi Cristiano Allam.
This is Magdi Cristiano Allam, Egyptian-born Muslim convert to Catholicism, journalist and former deputy director of the prestigious Corriere della Sera, Chairman of the political movement Io amo Italia and MEP since June 2009.
He came to the headquarters of the Federation Pro Europa Christiana to talk about the theme: The Europe and its roots face contemporary challenges
Conference in italian.
More information:
(3/4) Conference of the European deputy Magdi Cristiano Allam. This is Magdi Cristiano Allam, Egyptian-born Muslim convert to Catholicism, journalist and former deputy director of the prestigious …More
(3/4) Conference of the European deputy Magdi Cristiano Allam.
This is Magdi Cristiano Allam, Egyptian-born Muslim convert to Catholicism, journalist and former deputy director of the prestigious Corriere della Sera, Chairman of the political movement Io amo Italia and MEP since June 2009.
He came to the headquarters of the Federation Pro Europa Christiana to talk about the theme: The Europe and its roots face contemporary challenges
Conference in italian.
More information:
(2/4) Conferenza di eurodeputato Magdi Cristiano Allam. Egli è venuto per la sede della Federazione Pro Europa Christianaper discutere il tema dell'Europa e delle sue radici alle sfide contemporanee . …More
(2/4) Conferenza di eurodeputato Magdi Cristiano Allam.
Egli è venuto per la sede della Federazione Pro Europa Christianaper discutere il tema dell'Europa e delle sue radici alle sfide contemporanee .
Conferenza in italiano.
Per maggiori informazioni:
(1/4) Conferenza di eurodeputato Magdi Cristiano Allam. Egli è venuto per la sede della Pro Europa Christiana Federazione per discutere il tema dell'Europa e delle sue radici alle sfide contemporanee . …More
(1/4) Conferenza di eurodeputato Magdi Cristiano Allam.
Egli è venuto per la sede della Pro Europa Christiana Federazione per discutere il tema dell'Europa e delle sue radici alle sfide contemporanee .
Conferenza in Italia.
Per maggiori informazioni:
Cliccando su questo Video islamico si riscontra validità antropologica delle tesi abitualmente sostenute dall'Oratore: Iranian …More
Cliccando su questo Video islamico si riscontra validità antropologica delle tesi abitualmente sostenute dall'Oratore: Iranian Child - Remembrance of Fatimat Al-Zahraa incitazione alla preghiera coranica
Philosophical Self-Portrait: Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira. On this anniversary of TFP founder, Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, we reintroduce his Philosophical Self-Portrait, which contains a summary of his …More
Philosophical Self-Portrait: Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira.
On this anniversary of TFP founder, Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira, we reintroduce his Philosophical Self-Portrait, which contains a summary of his beliefs.
14 pages
Sign Petition! Hi, "I protest the attack by homosexual organizations on Christian activists Julio Severo, Americans for Truth About Homosexualty (AFTAH), and Tradition, Family, …More
Sign Petition!
"I protest the attack by homosexual organizations on Christian activists Julio Severo, Americans for Truth About Homosexualty (AFTAH), and Tradition, Family, and Property (TFP). I encourage PayPal to affirm the right of pro-family organizations to use its service and to reject attacks on the Christian faith and other religions that uphold sexual morality and defend family values."
Thank you!
Rodrigo Amorim
3 pages
😇 👏 👍
👏 👏 Thanks for uploading! 👍 😇
America Needs Fatima opposes blasphemous 'Our Lady' exhibit in Ireland. Hi, I signed a petition to remove a blasphemous display of Our Lady of Guadalupe in a bikini at the University College Cork, …More
America Needs Fatima opposes blasphemous 'Our Lady' exhibit in Ireland.
I signed a petition to remove a blasphemous display of Our Lady of Guadalupe in a bikini at the University College Cork, Ireland.
Please sign and send your petition against this terrible blasphemy too.
Petition against this blasphemous attack on Our Lady.
Thank you!
Rodrigo Amorim
One page
Ira and SboC - One just hopes that this situation is reversed. Hummmm..... I am looking at the New World and the former European colonies at the mo. …More
Ira and SboC - One just hopes that this situation is reversed. Hummmm..... I am looking at the New World and the former European colonies at the mo. These lands seem to be the NEW the OLD traditional Catholic countries decline, that of the New World rises.
There is more Modal Chant being sung in the Americas than in Europe at the mo. Not to mention more of a struggle towards an equilibrium between the Lex Credendi - Lex Orandi.
On the other hand, the Church in the Caribbean is an exception since they have remained quite provincial and insular - hoping to develop Extra Sancta Mater Ecclesia Capitis. Not even the Church in Africa suffers from this myopia; but then again, Africa is a continent!
Simple but orthodox Catholic
Hi ACL 👍 , As always, you are spot on. Christians, and specifically Catholics, are the most persecuted religious group on earth at the present moment …More
Hi ACL 👍 ,
As always, you are spot on. Christians, and specifically Catholics, are the most persecuted religious group on earth at the present moment ... anyone can say whatever they want about our most sacred and revered institutions and beliefs ... do whatever they want to us ... and NO-ONE lifts a finger or utters a single word in protest!!!!!
Christus vincit Christus regnat Christus imperat
Viva il Papa!
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Online Protest Against Catholic Fairfield University and dissident nun Jeannine Gramick. Hi, I signed a petition to stop a dissident nun, Sister Gramick, who blasphemed Our Lord and St. John as …More
Online Protest Against Catholic Fairfield University and dissident nun Jeannine Gramick.
I signed a petition to stop a dissident nun, Sister Gramick, who blasphemed Our Lord and St. John as homosexuals, and who is scheduled to lecture at Catholic Fairfield University.
Moreover, she was forbidden by the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith to be involved in all and any ministries involving homosexuality.
The lecture undermines God’s natural order and is financed by a pro-homosexual foundation. To avoid grave scandal, I hope you will sign this petition too:
Petition to cancel dissident nun lecture at Catholic Fairfield University!
Thank you.
Sincerely, Rodrigo Amorim
4 pages
Livro: Antonio Conselheiro e Canudos. “Antonio Conselheiro e Canudos”, se não for o tema mais controvertido da história nacional, está entre os primeiros. No final do século XIX, na transição da …More
Livro: Antonio Conselheiro e Canudos.
“Antonio Conselheiro e Canudos”, se não for o tema mais controvertido da história nacional, está entre os primeiros.
No final do século XIX, na transição da Monarquia para a República, de uma maneira espontânea e orgânica, Conselheiro foi consolidando uma autêntica liderança sobre boa parte da população nordestina – isso, devido a seu dom do “bom conselho”, seu estilo de vida, seu idealismo.
Atacado em seus ideais, fundou ele um pequeno lugarejo, que chegou a ser a segunda maior cidade da Bahia: o Belo Monte.
Conselheiro foi caluniado de maneira injusta e cruel. Com paciência, determinação e altaneria, enfrentou todo tipo de detração. Dentre as acusações, a que mais se destacou, foi, de longe, a de fanático e supersticioso. Essas calúnias atingiam também, inevitavelmente, a seus seguidores.
Curioso notar que a primeira expedição montada contra Canudos, liderada pelo Tenente Manoel da Silva Pires, partiu ao encontro dos “fanáticos” no dia 12 de novembro …More
113 pages
Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira: The Crusader of the Twentieth Century. Part III. “With the integrity of his life as an authentic Catholic, Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira offers us a confirmation of the Church’s …More
Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira: The Crusader of the Twentieth Century. Part III.
“With the integrity of his life as an authentic Catholic, Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira offers us a confirmation of the Church’s continuing fecundity”. – Cardinal Alfons Maria Stickler, in his foreword toThe Crusader of the Twentieth Century, a biography of Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira by Roberto de Mattei, professor at the University of Cassino.
Indignant Catholic
Vejam aqui o legado desse que se julgava imortal (mas que morreu e continua mortinho da silva) e inerrante e um Profeta sobre o qual o Espírito Santo …More
Vejam aqui o legado desse que se julgava imortal (mas que morreu e continua mortinho da silva) e inerrante e um Profeta sobre o qual o Espírito Santo, que abandou a Igreja (assim dizia nele) para habitar nele:Já não sou eu que vivo, é o Dr.Plínio que vive em mim?! Aff!!!
Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira: The Crusader of the Twentieth Century. Part II. “With the integrity of his life as an authentic Catholic, Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira offers us a confirmation of the Church’s …More
Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira: The Crusader of the Twentieth Century. Part II.
“With the integrity of his life as an authentic Catholic, Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira offers us a confirmation of the Church’s continuing fecundity”. – Cardinal Alfons Maria Stickler, in his foreword toThe Crusader of the Twentieth Century, a biography of Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira by Roberto de Mattei, professor at the University of Cassino.
Malleus Hæreticorum
Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira: The Crusader of the Twentieth Century. “With the integrity of his life as an authentic Catholic, Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira offers us a confirmation of the Church’s continuing …More
Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira: The Crusader of the Twentieth Century.
“With the integrity of his life as an authentic Catholic, Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira offers us a confirmation of the Church’s continuing fecundity”. – Cardinal Alfons Maria Stickler, in his foreword toThe Crusader of the Twentieth Century, a biography of Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira by Roberto de Mattei, professor at the University of Cassino.
alexbandril shares this
Plinio Correa de Oliveira. plinioMore
Plinio Correa de Oliveira.
José Gomes do Nascimento Júnior
Não só o Plinio Corrêa ,não.Fez um bom apostolado.Teve o Regis Negrelli,Augusto Vitor Florestano(, e o Fidelis(Assossiação …More
Não só o Plinio Corrêa ,não.Fez um bom apostolado.Teve o Regis Negrelli,Augusto Vitor Florestano(, e o Fidelis(Assossiação Montfort)!
7 more comments
Epic Caravans. Catolicismo, No. 536, August 1995 ( At dawn on June 20, 1969, a terrorist bomb exploded at the headquarters of the National Secre tary of the TFP in São Paulo it,…More
Epic Caravans.
Catolicismo, No. 536, August 1995 (
At dawn on June 20, 1969, a terrorist bomb exploded at the headquarters of the National Secre tary of the TFP in São Paulo it, the street Martim Francisco, 669, ro bair of Santa Cecilia, partly in re ally destroying the building.Also damaged a small image of Our rd If the Conception, which has since became venerated the shrine erected on the site, for in his sagravo.
Three days later, the TFP went to the streets in one of his most famous campaigns, ra prime time by wearing their red capes, along with the already known banners with golden lion rubles.
It was the spread of s pecial edition of Catholicism, which, based on documents released by magazines ini tially "Approaches," England, "Ecclesia" of Spain denounced the action of cos hidden prophetic groups, plotting thesubvar are in the Church.
Developed its operations in large cities, then the TFP organized caravans of members and collaborators that in the months …More