THE COUNCIL POPES SPEAK FROM THE MOUTH OF A SNAKE - “The Vatican Audience Hall, also known as Paul VI Hall or Nervi Hall, is built with a chilling design. Its architect, Pier Luigi Nervi, created an …More
THE COUNCIL POPES SPEAK FROM THE MOUTH OF A SNAKE - “The Vatican Audience Hall, also known as Paul VI Hall or Nervi Hall, is built with a chilling design. Its architect, Pier Luigi Nervi, created an auditorium for 6,300 people with some symbols hidden, but visible to all. You can see, from inside, how the two windows are positioned in such a way that they resemble the eyes of a snake; the inside of the roof, the scaly skin; and, in the background, the mouth, with two large fangs, represented by columns.” - Sources: La serpiente escondida en el Vaticano - AULA PABLO VI: TEMPLO CABEZA DE SERPIENTE EN EL VATICANO. - See more photos here: Paul vi audience hall Banque de photographies et d’images à haute résolution - Alamy - Two other videos: 1. LOS PAPAS CONCILIARES HABLAN DESDE LA BOCA DE UNA … - 2. LES PAPES CONCILIAIRES PARLENT DEPUIS LA BOUCHE DU… - See also: 1. The Paul VI Hall in the Vatican is Diabolical. - 2. The Vatican prepares the One World Religion of the Antichrist.

“The Paul VI Classroom is a large open space, with a trapezoidal floor plan and a curved shell-type structure roof, which houses an auditorium with capacity for 6,300 people. It was designed by the Italian engineer Pier Luigi Nervi. The papal commission was decided in 1964, in full Council, and the works began in 1966. The inauguration took place on July 30, 1971.” - Paul VI Hall - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

It is clearly observed that the shape of the building represents the head of an ophidian. That is to say that the conciliar popes, when they give their public audiences, do so speaking from the mouth of a snake. He who has eyes to see, let him see... - Pope Francis: Being poor “opens the way to the kingdom of heaven” - ZENIT - English

It is time to get out of our lethargy and open our eyes to the takeover of the Vatican by the Evil One from the CVII. The Luciferian symbolism of the Paul VI Hall is a very clear sign of this situation, available to everyone, since one does not need to be able to follow subtle theological disquisitions on the heterodoxy of the conciliar documents or the liturgical reform to understand the message that transmit these expressive images.

“Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth; and he had two horns, like those of a lamb, but he spoke like a dragon” (Rev. 13, 11).
Miles - Christi and 2 more users link to this post
Those who hate Christ built this monstrosity to show their devotion to their Father, the devil and their contempt for Christ. Woe to them.
chris griffin
Also note the demonic sculpture in the center behind the stage.
Hound of Heaven
Difficult to un-see once pointed out.