The 19th Amendment was the precursor to Roe V. Wade and many other social and moral evils of the 20th Century. Women's Suffrage was a major tenant of Socialism. The 19th Amendment has been the social …More
The 19th Amendment was the precursor to Roe V. Wade and many other social and moral evils of the 20th Century.
Women's Suffrage was a major tenant of Socialism. The 19th Amendment has been the social and moral disaster that was prophesied by the Christian Anti-Suffragists. Women's Natural place is in the Home. There must be a serious return of Women from the Public to the Private sphere.
Ann Coulter has said that she's willing to give up her right to vote = because if only men voted we'd have much better results.
chris griffin
Yes, the husband should make political decisions for the good of the entire family.