134. The tasty fruit of conversion

Paul reveals how to recognize the grace of God in people who are experiencing hardships:
“In a severe test of affliction, the abundance of their joy and their profound poverty overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part.” 2 Corinthians, chapter 8, verse 2

We note that Paul did not say that God subjected them to “a severe test of affliction”, but that they were “in a severe test of affliction”. This “severe test of affliction” comes from them or other people, not from God.

This affliction is “testing” them. And there are trials in life. What characterizes the grace of God in these people is that “the abundance of their joy and their profound poverty overflowed in a wealth of generosity on their part”.

Of course it’s not easy. But, in spite of the trials and sufferings, Paul experiences God’s grace simply because of the abundance of the joy, the extreme poverty which characterizes them and which overflows “in a wealth of generosity”.

They knew how to ignore their trials and let God’s grace pass through them. This allows these people to let their distress turn into a tasty fruit of conversion. They need grace to not put their suffering back on others or on God. Grace transforms their way of life. This last passage is to be meditated often. It is quite impressive that by the grace of God we can increase joy, even during trial and suffering.

It’s now impossible not to turn to Mary, the Mother of Jesus, and see in her, who lived in the midst of a time of trial, a life filled with a joyful and Immaculate Heart. She who let radiate the grace of God in her and whose radiance she received passes through all ages. (Magnificat, Luke, chapter 1, verses 45-55)

“The Love of God was revealed to us,” 1 John, chapter 4, verse 9

also by the “yes” of Mary. This is what we are also invited to do. To receive, then radiate the grace of God. God’s Love is manifested in shared love, in peace, joy, hope, prayer, etc.

The new American Bible, 2011-2014
Book: … for Love, Normand Thomas