Singing a new tune in Germany's Catholic Church

Photo ~ Special church services were held to celebrate the introduction of the new book

A new tome is making its way through Catholic churches in Germany. Updated for the first time in nearly 40 years, the church's official hymnal has added many well-liked, contemporary pieces.

After the preliminary selection, the songs went through a further screening process. During this procedure, theologians, church musicians and women's rights as well as Christian-Jewish cooperation experts took part. Each of the 285 songs that made it into the main body of the book has been hand-picked several times over.

As to the cover of the new book, some protests were neglected. The graphic symbol designed by "artist" Monika Barthlomé which replaced a traditional cross was sold as "Tau-cross2 by some benvolent people. The artist refrained from explaining the design and murmured something of mystical symbolism. Watch the "Taw-cross" at Gotteslob
As to the cover of the new book, some protests were neglected. The graphic symbol designed by "artist" Monika Barthlomé which replaced a traditional cross was sold as "Tau-cross2 by some benvolent people. The artist refrained from explaining the design and murmured something of mystical symbolism. Watch the "Taw-cross" at Gotteslob

All Canons except Canon II were kicked off the new Gotteslob.
Most of the songs in the first edition 1974 were filtered again on ecumenism and old melodic catholic songs were replaced by a lot of protestant songs or abolished or retexted as it was yet done 40 years ago.
Schubert Mass Betrachtend Deine Huld ung Güte (after Consecration)
Haydn Messe at the end retexted
Original Version:More
All Canons except Canon II were kicked off the new Gotteslob.

Most of the songs in the first edition 1974 were filtered again on ecumenism and old melodic catholic songs were replaced by a lot of protestant songs or abolished or retexted as it was yet done 40 years ago.

Schubert Mass Betrachtend Deine Huld ung Güte (after Consecration)

Haydn Messe at the end retexted
Original Version:
Nun ist das Lamm geschlachtet,
Das Opfer ist vollbracht.
Wir haben jetzt betrachtet,
Gott, Deine Lieb und Macht.
Du bist bei uns zugegen.
Aus Deinem Gnadenmeer
Ström uns Dein Vatersegen
Durch dieses Opfer her,
Ström uns Dein Vatersegen
Durch dieses Opfer her !

Original Version
Fest soll mein Taufbund immer stehn,
ich will die Kirche hören!
Sie soll mich allzeit gläubig sehn
und folgsam ihren Lehren!
Dank sei dem Herrn, der mich aus Gnad
in seine Kirch berufen hat,
nie will ich von ihr weichen!

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