
I guess Paul was wrong…

When Paul wrote, “But though we, or an angel from heaven, preach a gospel to you besides that which we have preached to you, let him be anathema,” he was admitting that he battled against principalities and powers and it was only the grace of God which preserved him, and it was not impossible that God’s permissive will may allow him to fall.

A valid Pope is not some magical creature, above humanity and, apparently, above sanctity. This pope stands against the Gospel of of Paul. We must treat him with kindness, for he is in desperate need of our prayers, but show no respect for any of his pronouncements which contradict Paul.

Paul made no provision for an “invalid Paul.” It didn’t matter to Paul and it should not matter to us. We cling to the Apostolic Tradition because our lives depend on it. We defend it against all who would distort it, no matter the “validity” of their role.