Turkish consul general in France provokes top Catholic cleric by showing Islamist gesture

Translation: Shameful to watch:
The Turkish Consul General Cemil Yıldırım visits the head of the Catholic clergy in Lyon. He stretches out his index finger during the joint photo. This so-called tauhid finger is also shown during prayer, but here it is a clear provocation and demonstration of power.
Translation: Lyon: The Turkish consul,
Yıldırım 🇹🇷 causes a scandal in his country after making the Tawid sign with his index finger in a photo with the Archbishop of Lyon.
A provocative Islamic gesture.
And of course we don’t hear a word about it in our media … we don’t hear about it.

#Lyon : Le consul de Turquie fait scandale dans son pays après avoir fait le signe Tawid de l’index sur une photo avec l’archevêque de Lyon Mgr de Germay. – Fdesouche

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