2 pages
Worth every minute!
"Call to the International Criminal Court to investigate on Ursula von der Leyen for complicity in war crimes and genocide committed by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and in Gaza".More
"Call to the International Criminal Court to investigate on Ursula von der Leyen for complicity in war crimes and genocide committed by Israel in the Occupied Palestinian Territories and in Gaza".
2 pages
Why are there so many homosexual priests in the Church? ISFCC - Home You will find the complete answer in this new book, The Breached Dam: The Fiducia Supplicans Surrender to the Homosexual Movement…More
Why are there so many homosexual priests in the Church?
ISFCC - Home
You will find the complete answer in this new book, The Breached Dam: The Fiducia Supplicans Surrender to the Homosexual Movement Breached Dam.pdf
132 pages
Louis IX
Why so many? Because they stopped weeding them out in seminary. (Not to mention the ones planted there by enemies of the Church in the early and mid …More
Why so many? Because they stopped weeding them out in seminary. (Not to mention the ones planted there by enemies of the Church in the early and mid 20th century.)
English CatholicMore
English Catholic
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How to prepare for the illumination of conscience ? Father John Ibould, exorcist and Fabienne Maria Free PDFMore
How to prepare for the illumination of conscience ?
Father John Ibould, exorcist and Fabienne Maria Free PDF
44 pages
2 pages
Father John Exorcist - How to prepare for the illumination of conscience ?
44 pages

20'000 Young Pilgrims in Chartres! Francis' Traditionis Custodes Cannot Stop the Future

Nearly 20,000 pilgrims attended Holy Mass on Pentecost during the legendary pilgrimage of the Roman Rite from Paris to Chartres. This is a record number. The pilgrimage is taking place for the 42nd …More
Nearly 20,000 pilgrims attended Holy Mass on Pentecost during the legendary pilgrimage of the Roman Rite from Paris to Chartres.
This is a record number. The pilgrimage is taking place for the 42nd time. Despite or because of Francis' "Traditionis Custodes", it attracts masses of young Catholics, with an average age of around 21.
The French authorities support the pilgrimage, including with mounted police. C-News, a French television channel, ran several reports on the pilgrims, including a live broadcast of the mass.
Notre-Dame de Chrétienté, the organiser, writes that these broadcasts have reached hundreds of thousands of French people. The Bishop of Nanterre, Mgr. Matthieu Rougé, welcomed the pilgrims and accompanied them as they passed through his diocese.
Cardinal Müller will celebrate the final Mass of the pilgrimage at Chartres Cathedral tomorrow. Below are pictures and videos of this year's pilgrimage, all published by Notre-Dame de Chrétienté.
Wilma Lopez shares this
Chartres pilgrimage breaks records 🇫🇷
Sean Johnson
Unmentioned, is the fact that this conciliar pilgrimage was erected to contradict and oppose the true SSPX Chartres Pilgrimage, which marches 20k strong …More
Unmentioned, is the fact that this conciliar pilgrimage was erected to contradict and oppose the true SSPX Chartres Pilgrimage, which marches 20k strong in the opposite direction (from Chartres to Paris): Just as modernist Rome erects an insult parish wherever the SSPX is established to lure the superficial away, so to does it establish pilgrimages.
But have no fear: The new branded SSPX no longer harbors such revulsion of conciliarism (which it now equates with Catholicism), and therefore, there’s really no more point to them having their own pilgrimage. In 2-3 years, they’ll want to show Rome that they’re on the same team, and simply merge the two pilgrimages (with the conciliar absorbing the SSPX, just as is happening step by step in the greater church).
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No driving on the weekends?

By Eric Utter Germany’s transport minister (and progressive politician), Volker Wissing, last month vowed to ban driving on weekends to meet Germany’s climate-related goals …

Over 1,000 attend Washington, D.C., Eucharistic procession despite rain

Washington, D.C. Newsroom, May 19, 2024 / 07:30 am A crowd of more than 1,000 Catholics processed with the Eucharist through the …

Catholic Charities child sex trafficking. I will NOT cooperate. Excommunication?

I’ve been saying this for years now. I don’t do church collections for the NGO (non-governmental organization) called …
Father Karl A Claver
By aiding illegal aliens, the Church is supporting sex slavery, kidnapping, drug use, murder and other criminal behavior. Such corruption is demonic. …More
By aiding illegal aliens, the Church is supporting sex slavery, kidnapping, drug use, murder and other criminal behavior. Such corruption is demonic. Shame on Catholic Charities.
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Lessons from COVID Totalitarianism

By J.B. Shurk The COVID police state revealed Western governments’ zeal for totalitarianism. Forced masking, forced experimental injections, forced school and business …
Live Mike
Hidden Title: How to undermine the authority of Heavenly Messages transmitted to those with the grace of prophecy warning the faithful of problems within the visible institution of the Church up to the top

Norms for proceeding in the Discernment of alleged Supernatural Phenomena (17 May 2024)

[DE - EN - ES - FR - IT - PL - PT] DICASTERY FOR THE DOCTRINE OF THE FAITH God is present and active in our …

Pentecost Sunday: "Peace be with You"

Q. Why do we celebrate the Solemnity of Pentecost? A. This feast is called Pentecost because Pentecost means the fiftieth; and the Holy Ghost came down upon the …

161. God’s perfect plan

Let’s pray to the Lord every day: “Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke, chapter 21, …More
Let’s pray to the Lord every day:
“Be vigilant at all times and pray that you have the strength to escape the tribulations that are imminent and to stand before the Son of Man.” Luke, chapter 21, verse 36
Let’s stay awake and continually receive Jesus’s message for us.
We will be able to escape some obstacles that come around on the road, because the light of God transmitted by prayer allows us to see clearly. Prayer enables us to discern what are the different objects and the people who take us away from God from those who gather us to him. Prayer illuminates what is happening in our lives and in the lives of those surrounding us. To see clearer let’s stand in the Light of the Lord.
Jesus prepares us for the mission of evangelizing:
“Gird your loins and light your lamps and be like servants who await their master’s return from a wedding, ready to open immediately when he comes and knocks.” Luke, chapter 12, verses 35 to 36
Let’s stay awake and vigilant, to grasp every movement of the …More

I was Cancelled for Writing About the DELUSION of MULTICULTURALISM

On today’s #NCFWhittle we speak with Harry Saul Markham, a 24 year old writer who was cancelled by his publisher. Harry’s book was …

Scientists Confirm COVID Vaccines Cause Autism in Lab Rats

According to the study, pregnant rats given the mRNA jab led to the male pups born after vaccination displaying signs of full-blown autism. …
Info Krieger Krieger
Info Krieger Krieger
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Femininity is a Gift from God

Femininity is a Gift from God

In modern society, where the word ‘love’ is spewed so frequently and with broad meaning, it is appropriate to question its sincerity and fruitfulness. There is no doubt …
Father Karl A Claver
God made them male and female. He KNEW what HE was doing. We are attempting to be gods by undoing his masterpiece.

Archbishop on Poor Clares: Excommunication on the Table

A televised statement by the Poor Clares of Belorado, who have joined a sedevacantist sect, has left the Archbishop of Burgos, Mario Iceta, emotionally challenged ("very painful"), writes …More
A televised statement by the Poor Clares of Belorado, who have joined a sedevacantist sect, has left the Archbishop of Burgos, Mario Iceta, emotionally challenged ("very painful"), writes (16 May).
The nuns have declared that Francis is "a heretic and usurper" and that there has not been a valid Pope since Pius XII.
Mgr Iceta mentioned that a change of abbess was due on 29 May. He wants to "build bridges" and sit down with the nuns "when the conditions are right", but "at the moment they are not, with all the media tsunami".
He is "particularly concerned about the older sisters who are not at their best mentally". One of the nuns, Sister Amparo, has left the community. She saw some suspicious things but didn't know what was going on in her convent. The story she can tell is very fragmentary.
For about a year, the nuns have been in contact with the sedevacantist leader Pablo de Rojas, who, according to, likes extravagant furniture, clothes and servants …More
Father Karl A Claver
Considering what the Vatican has been doing, I am not surprised that many are becoming sedevacantist.

Meditation for Pentecost Sunday: The Holy Spirit, whom my Father will send in my name, will teach you

MEDITATION FOR PENTECOST SUNDAY The Holy Spirit that my Father will send in my name, will teach you and suggest to you all the things that I have said to you . (S. John, ch. 14) I. Consider the extreme …More
The Holy Spirit that my Father will send in my name, will teach you and suggest to you all the things that I have said to you . (S. John, ch. 14)
I. Consider the extreme charity and the excessive goodness that God shows today to his Church, giving her his Spirit and his love, and bringing down upon her the very source of all heavenly gifts .
We can truly say that on this holy day the cataracts of heaven were opened, that the fountains of the great abyss of graces were as it were broken, and that a new flood of love and charity spread over Earth.
After this, can it be that your soul will always remain like dry and barren land? and should you not expose your heart to this celestial dew, so that it may be abundantly penetrated and watered with this living water which springs up to eternal life? Therefore join your sentiments to those of the whole Church, and say with her: Come, O Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the Faithful, and kindle in them the fire of …More

Ex-CDC Director Admits Covid Shots Caused 'Significant Side Effects' Among Young Healthy People - Slay News

The former director of the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) had admitted that …
Info Krieger Krieger
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