Lesbians' baby baptized by Catholic Church in Argentina. Vatican Satans SinagogMore
Lesbians' baby baptized by Catholic Church in Argentina.
Vatican Satans Sinagog
All who knows the truth ARE judged harder than those who don't know it... it's biblical, it is written in scripture. Remember that this child is innocent and God knows this He is the creator of this child, now where is the iniquity, those 3 lesbians, and I say 3 because I'm including the priest... I hope they repent and seek salvation all 3, but the problem is that if we don't sound the alarm, …More
All who knows the truth ARE judged harder than those who don't know it... it's biblical, it is written in scripture. Remember that this child is innocent and God knows this He is the creator of this child, now where is the iniquity, those 3 lesbians, and I say 3 because I'm including the priest... I hope they repent and seek salvation all 3, but the problem is that if we don't sound the alarm, everybody will start to take this as NORMAL, when it's not. 😇
Yuca2111, the argument against such baptisms might be that a baptized person gets a severer punishment for the same sins than a non-baptized person. But this argument should be deployed carefully avoiding that at the end nobody gets baptized anymore. Without taking the risk of damnation one can never get to eternal beatitude.
Many people claim to be advocates baptism of children when they forget that the first thing they have to do is to advocate for the right of children to be not deprived of their biological parents and fight for laws do not impose them live in an evil environment .
2 Corinthians 11:13-16
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)
13 For such boasters are false apostles, deceitful workers …More
Many people claim to be advocates baptism of children when they forget that the first thing they have to do is to advocate for the right of children to be not deprived of their biological parents and fight for laws do not impose them live in an evil environment .
2 Corinthians 11:13-16
New Revised Standard Version Catholic Edition (NRSVCE)

13 For such boasters are false apostles, deceitful workers, disguising themselves as apostles of Christ. 14 And no wonder! Even Satan disguises himself as an angel of light. 15 So it is not strange if his ministers also disguise themselves as ministers of righteousness. Their end will match their deeds
Children need a mother and a father

There are significant innate differences between male and female that are mediated by genes and hormones and go well beyond basic anatomy. These biochemical differences are evident in the development of male and female brain anatomy, psyche, and even learning styles.11 Consequently, mothers and fathers parent differently and make unique contributions to the overall development of the child.11,12,13 Psychological theory of child development has always recognized the critical role that mothers play in the healthy development of children. More recent research reveals that when fathers are absent, children suffer as well. Girls without fathers perform more poorly in school, are more likely to be sexually active and become pregnant as teenagers. Boys without fathers have higher rates of delinquency, violence, and aggression.12,13
Gender-linked differences in child rearing styles between parents are complementary and protective for children. Erik Erikson was among the first to note that mother-love and father-love are qualitatively different. Mothers are nurturing, expressive, and more unconditional in their love for their children. Father-love, by contrast, often comes with certain expectations of achievement.13 Subsequent research has consistently revealed that parenting is most effective when it is both highly expressive and highly demanding. This approach to parenting “provides children with a kind of communion characterized by inclusiveness and connectedness, as well as the drive for independence and individuality [which is] virtually impossible for a man or woman alone to combine effectively.”13
Gender differences are also reflected in the way mothers and fathers use touch with their children. Mothers frequently soothe, calm, and comfort with touch. Fathers are more likely to use touch to stimulate or excite their children during play. Mothers tend to engage with children on their level providing opportunities for children to take charge and proceed at their own pace. As fathers engage in rough and tumble play, they take on a teaching role like that of a coach. Roughhousing between fathers and sons is associated with the development of greater self-control in adolescent boys.13
Gender-linked diversity is also observed in parental approaches to discipline. “The disciplinary approaches of fathers tend toward firmness, relying on rules and principles. The approach of mothers tends toward more responsiveness, involving more bargaining, more adjustment toward the child’s mood and context, and is more often based on an intuitive understanding of the child’s needs and emotions of the moment.”13 Consequently, being reared by a mother and a father helps sons and daughters moderate their own gender-linked inclinations. Boys generally embrace reason over emotion, rules over relationships, risk-taking over caution, and standards over compassion. Girls generally place greater emphasis on emotional ties, relationships, caution, and compassion. Over time opposite-sexed parents demonstrate to their children the value of opposing tendencies.
Research on homosexual parenting
Studies that appear to indicate neutral to favorable child outcomes from homosexual parenting have critical design flaws. These include non-longitudinal design, inadequate sample size, biased sample selection, lack of proper controls, failure to account for confounding variables, and perhaps most problematic – all claim to affirm the null hypothesis.14,15,16 Therefore, it is impossible for these studies to provide any support for the alleged safety or potential benefits to children from same-sex parenting.
Data on the long-term outcomes of children placed in homosexual households is sparse and gives reason for concern.17 This research has revealed that children reared in homosexual households are more likely to experience sexual confusion, engage in risky sexual experimentation, and later adopt a homosexual identity.18,19,20,21,22 This is concerning since adolescents and young adults who adopt the homosexual lifestyle are at increased risk for mental health problems, including major depression, anxiety disorders, conduct disorders, substance dependence, and especially suicidal ideation and suicide attempts.23
Risks of the homosexual lifestyle to children
Finally, research has demonstrated considerable risks to children exposed to the homosexual lifestyle. Violence between homosexual partners is two to three times more common than among married heterosexual couples.24,25,26,27,28 Homosexual partnerships are significantly more prone to dissolution than heterosexual marriages with the average homosexual relationship lasting only two to three years. 29,30,31 Homosexual men and women are reported to be promiscuous, with serial sex partners, even within what are loosely-termed “committed relationships.” 32,33,34,35,36
Individuals who practice a homosexual lifestyle are more likely than heterosexuals to experience mental illness 37,38,39, substance abuse 40, suicidal tendencies41,42 and shortened life spans.43 Although some would claim that these dysfunctions are a result of societal pressures in America, the same dysfunctions exist at inordinately high levels among homosexuals in cultures where the practice is more widely accepted.44
In summary, tradition and science agree that biological ties and dual gender parenting are protective for children. The family environment in which children are reared plays a critical role in forming a secure gender identity, positive emotional well-being, and optimal academic achievement. Decades of social science research documents that children develop optimally when reared by their two biological parents in a low conflict marriage. The limited research advocating child-rearing by homosexual parents has severe methodological limitations. There is significant risk of harm inherent in exposing a child to the homosexual lifestyle. Given the current body of evidence, the American College of Pediatricians believes it is inappropriate, potentially hazardous to children, and dangerously irresponsible to change the age-old prohibition on homosexual parenting, whether by adoption, foster care, or reproductive manipulation. This position is rooted in the best available science.
@Boni: sondern die Intentionen der Beteiligten
Es ist nicht beabsichtigt, eigentlich gibt es Action ... ACTION! Hat nicht Monsignore Nanez wusste vorher, was los war? Er sagte, er teilte der Vatikan, sagte er Kardinal Cañizares, Bergoglio hatte ein Auge zudrücken, wenn ein Transvestit hatte eine Taufe, als er in Argentinien als Leiter der argentinischen Kirche, Absichten? ACTION, werden diese …More
@Boni: sondern die Intentionen der Beteiligten

Es ist nicht beabsichtigt, eigentlich gibt es Action ... ACTION! Hat nicht Monsignore Nanez wusste vorher, was los war? Er sagte, er teilte der Vatikan, sagte er Kardinal Cañizares, Bergoglio hatte ein Auge zudrücken, wenn ein Transvestit hatte eine Taufe, als er in Argentinien als Leiter der argentinischen Kirche, Absichten? ACTION, werden diese Mädchen in das Haus Gottes zu küssen, herausfordernde Tradition von den Wicked Händen der GAY LOBBY IN DER KIRCHE ... öffnen Sie Ihre Augen.

@ atm: Gott segne Sie zu halten zu beten und den guten Kampf kämpfen lassen, gibt es einen Gegenpapst und das ist Bergoglio, alle Prophezeiungen der Heiligen zeigen auf ihn und diese besondere heutigen Zeit, wird bald der Abfall seiner höchsten als die Greuel der Verwüstung zu erreichen wird passieren ... Gott segne Sie.

@Boni: sondern die Intentionen der Beteiligten

There is NO intention actually there is action... ACTION!!! Didn't Monsignor Nanez knew beforehand what was going on? He said he INFORMED the Vatican, he told Cardinal Canizares, Bergoglio had a blind eye when a transvestite had a baptism when he was in Argentina as head of the Argentinian Church, intentions? ACTION, this girls are kissing in the house of God, challenging tradition by the Wicked hands of the GAY LOBBY IN THE CHURCH... open your eyes.

@a.t.m: God bless you let's keep praying and fighting the good fight, there is an antipope and that is Bergoglio, all prophecies of saints point to him and this particular present time, soon the apostasy will reach its highest as the abomination of desolation will happen... God bless you.
Die Taufe an sich ist nicht das Problem, sondern die Intentionen der Beteiligten einschließlich des Spenders des Taufsakraments. Das arme Kind sollte sich rasch um eine bedingte Taufe bemühen.
solange praktizierende homosexuelle im Klerus geduldet werden wird sich nie etwas ändern.
das gleiche gilt für nicht keusch lebende Priester.
beides ist leider heute in der kirche der fall.
man muss sich nur einmal anschauen was solche Priester für Argumente für ihren Gelübde bruch anbringen.
das alles macht Jesus sehr traurig und schadet seinem leib-der kirche und ihrer Glaubwürdigkeit.
ein …More
solange praktizierende homosexuelle im Klerus geduldet werden wird sich nie etwas ändern.
das gleiche gilt für nicht keusch lebende Priester.
beides ist leider heute in der kirche der fall.
man muss sich nur einmal anschauen was solche Priester für Argumente für ihren Gelübde bruch anbringen.
das alles macht Jesus sehr traurig und schadet seinem leib-der kirche und ihrer Glaubwürdigkeit.

ein anderes Problem ist der Klerikalismus der sich vor allem im umgang mit nicht Klerikern zeigt.dies leigt vor allem daran dass man ja noch mehr als früher eine ganz kleine Minderheit innerhalb der welt ist aber überproportional viel macht und ansehen hat-wenn man solche Kategorien anwenden will wenngleich ein Priester nach dem herzen jesu so nicht denkt.manche meinen dass man einen mitbruder immer decken muss-was dann passiert hat man ja im zuge der missbräuche gesehen.
Unitate: Mit diesen Schritt aber hat sich die "Konzilskirche" alias "Die Neue Kirche" klar auf die Seite der "Homo- Sodomitenlobby" gestellt und ich kann mir nicht vorstellen das dies nicht von Franziskus gedeckt ist (der sich ja schon einmal Fall Ricca, klar auf die Seite der Homo- Sodomitenlobby stellte) siehe den Vatikan Besuch von Kirchner, die ja als Taufpatin im Gespräch war. Aber will man …More
Unitate: Mit diesen Schritt aber hat sich die "Konzilskirche" alias "Die Neue Kirche" klar auf die Seite der "Homo- Sodomitenlobby" gestellt und ich kann mir nicht vorstellen das dies nicht von Franziskus gedeckt ist (der sich ja schon einmal Fall Ricca, klar auf die Seite der Homo- Sodomitenlobby stellte) siehe den Vatikan Besuch von Kirchner, die ja als Taufpatin im Gespräch war. Aber will man etwas anderes erwarten von der Heimat von Bergoglio??

Gottes und Mariens Segen auf allen Wegen
Cristina Kirchner, Argentine President, To Be Godmother Of Lesbian Couple's Child they said they consider this a "gay right"
"The two Lesbian are non-practicing Catholics and they say they will encourage Umma to choose her religion on her own."More
Cristina Kirchner, Argentine President, To Be Godmother Of Lesbian Couple's Child they said they consider this a "gay right"

"The two Lesbian are non-practicing Catholics and they say they will encourage Umma to choose her religion on her own."
diese taufe war ein großer fehler da sie politisiert wird.den elter 1 und elter 2 ging es nicht um den glauben sondern um Politik und aufmersamkeit.
die kirche kann homosexuelles verhalten nichts gutheißen es sei denn sie verleugnet Gott selbst.
eine strafrechtliche Verfolgung von homosexuellem verhalten ist nur dann relevant wenn einer der Partner gezwungen wird oder minderjährig ist.was menschen …More
diese taufe war ein großer fehler da sie politisiert wird.den elter 1 und elter 2 ging es nicht um den glauben sondern um Politik und aufmersamkeit.

die kirche kann homosexuelles verhalten nichts gutheißen es sei denn sie verleugnet Gott selbst.

eine strafrechtliche Verfolgung von homosexuellem verhalten ist nur dann relevant wenn einer der Partner gezwungen wird oder minderjährig ist.was menschen in ihrem Schlafzimmer unter beiderlei Zustimmung machen soll uns egal sein auch wenn es aus unserer sicht eine Todsünde ist.das einzige was bleibt ist ihnen brüderlich zureden und für ihre Bekehrung beten.
Homosexuality should be criminalized. Homosexuality is a crime against God and against the Holy Bible. After seeing this story I know why God wrote:
Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Romans 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through …More
Homosexuality should be criminalized. Homosexuality is a crime against God and against the Holy Bible. After seeing this story I know why God wrote:

Leviticus 20:13 If a man also lie with mankind, as he lieth with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination: they shall surely be put to death; their blood shall be upon them.
Romans 1:24 Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their own bodies between themselves: :26 For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: :27 And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.
The second mistake is that this is the second case of this type of ceremonies because the first case of such ceremonies was authorized by Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio in August 2012 to a gay couple THIS IS WHY THIS VIDEO WAS CORRECT IT AND ADD THE INFORMATION THAT WAS MISSING Argentina - Baptism to Propagate Homosexualism
Florencia De La V - Famous Transgender Florencia Trinidad (1976 - )
His name …More
The second mistake is that this is the second case of this type of ceremonies because the first case of such ceremonies was authorized by Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio in August 2012 to a gay couple THIS IS WHY THIS VIDEO WAS CORRECT IT AND ADD THE INFORMATION THAT WAS MISSING Argentina - Baptism to Propagate Homosexualism

Florencia De La V - Famous Transgender Florencia Trinidad (1976 - )
His name was Roberto Carlos Trinidad and born in Resistencia
Roberto started the transition from a man to a 'woman' at age 17, first as Karen and then, at her boyfriend’s suggestion, as Florencia. submitted himself to surgeries but he only did the Breast implant surgery but he still have intact his male sex organs.
In 2010 he was legally recognized as a female, and changed his legal name, the first to do so in Argentina. He married a dentist, her partner Pablo Goycochea,they live together for more than a decade since 1998. In 2011, a year later she/he and her husband had twins Paul Alexander e Isabella via a surrogate in the US-California (They bought an egg and rented a utero). "Florencia" is a TV star in several series on Telefe - Channel 11 on Buenos Aires television who is also the host of the show call Pelu.
On the day Paul Alexander and Isabella were one year old, the twins of the host of Pelu “Florencia de la V " baptized his two children in the Retiro neighborhood at the Basilica of the Most Holy Sacrament, where perpetual adoration takes place. This is one of the most traditional Basilicas of Buenos Aires and is one of the preferred churches in Buenos Aires, Argentina, for marriages and ceremonies of high society. On August 25, 2012, the church was the stage for a sequence of scandals.
Other local Churches denied the baptism request because the actress Florence Trinidad was not baptized as a woman, but as a man and his name was Roberto Carlos Trinidad. One of the requirements of the churches was that the parents of children need to be baptized.
Fr. Jorge Garcia Cuerva who was the parish priest of St. Clare of Assisi Church in El Talar Tigre went to conduct the “baptism” of the children.The priest is also the person who coordinates the Prison Ministry in the Diocese of San Isidro and is a member of the Episcopal Commission on Drug Addiction.
The agreement with father Jorge was completed during the stay of Flor in Miami and did not place any impediment to baptize the children.
Also during the Ceremony the priest give the gay couple Holy Communion.
Cardinal Bergolio permitted a homosexual ceremony in a Basilica of Buenos Aires

Note: The godparents neither meet the requirements of Baptism
The Spanish Catholic Web Page from Argentina said Cardinal Jorge Bergolio was aware of everything that happen in Pampas Argentina.

A few days ( 03/09/12 ) after this transvestite 'baptizes' their 'children' Bergoglio was tough with priests who do not baptize extramarital children. He complained against priests of the Diocese of San Isidro because neither Socorro Parish nor Pilar allowed the baptism. He also said we learn that "in our ecclesiastical region there are Priests who will not baptize children…" "These are the hypocrites of today those who use the Clericalism of the Church. Those who deviate people from the God of salvation," said the archbishop Bergolio in a pastoral meeting in the Universidad Católica Argentina. "With pain I say, and if it seems a complaint or offense, forgive me, but in our region's ecclesiastical priests who do not baptize the children of single mothers because they were not conceived in the sanctity of marriage," the Archbishop commented. "Say no to hypocrisy. Say no to the hypocrisy of clericalism. Say no to spiritual Worldliness. Because this demonstrates that one is a business instead of being either a man or woman of the gospel ", claimed Bergoglio.

Esteban Paulon, president of the Argentine Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals and Transsexuals said:
"Bergoglio is known for being moderate and finding a balance between reactionary and progressive sectors," Paulon said. "When he came out strongly against gay marriage, he did it under pressure from the conservatives."

Boff speaks about Bergoglio liberal Agenda:

You have reason to believe that Bergoglio is more liberal?



Boff: Yes. For example, a few months ago he explicitly permitted a homosexual couple to adopt a child. He kept in touch with priests who were expelled from the official church because they had gotten married. And no one could ever persuade him to change his position, which was: we have to be on the side of the poor, even if it means opposing the powerful.

More on this topic in English :







🤦 This video has two error because Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio hold two position in Argentina debate of Gay Marriage and he was in favor the gay civil union he show one position in public and other contrary to our faith in private. Bergoglio estuvo a favor uniones gays en Argentina
Cardinal Bergoglio Supported Same-Sex Civil Unions
"When he was still Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Francis …More
🤦 This video has two error because Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio hold two position in Argentina debate of Gay Marriage and he was in favor the gay civil union he show one position in public and other contrary to our faith in private. Bergoglio estuvo a favor uniones gays en Argentina
Cardinal Bergoglio Supported Same-Sex Civil Unions
"When he was still Cardinal Jorge Bergoglio of Buenos Aires, Francis reportedly tried to negotiate with the Argentine government over the legalization of gay marriage and signaled he would be open to civil unions as an alternative. A number of bishops around the world have said civil unions could be acceptable alternatives to same-sex marriage".


VIDEO IN SPANISH youtu.be/w5MphCL6iuw

When Argentina was on the verge of legalizing gay marriage in 2010, Pope Francis — then Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio of Buenos Aires — suggested the church support civil unions, according to news reports published at the time.

“We don’t have a fanatic vision,” his spokesman, Federico Wals, told Argentina’s Infonews in 2010. “What we are asking is that the laws are respected. We believe that we must propose more comprehensive civil union rights than currently exist, but no gay marriage.”

Faced with the likelihood that gay marriage would be legalized, Bergoglio, then head of the Argentina Bishop’s Conference, suggested during a meeting with bishops in 2010 that the church support civil unions in the country. The idea was rebuked by the bishops, Pope Francis’ authorized biographer, Sergio Rubin, told the Associated Press. abcnews.go.com/…/pope-francis-su…


The very idea was anathema to many of the bishops in the room. Argentina was on the verge of approving gay marriage, and the Roman Catholic Church was desperate to stop that from happening. It would lead tens of thousands of its followers in protest on the streets of Buenos Aires and publicly condemn the proposed law, a direct threat to church teaching, as the work of the devil.

But behind the scenes, Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who led the public charge against the measure, spoke out in a heated meeting of bishops in 2010 and advocated a highly unorthodox solution: that the church in Argentina support the idea of civil unions for gay couples. Link

On February 25 2010
Not only the Argentinian newspaper-Clarin but many others Spanish webpages reported the same news:
[TRANSLATION]: From the private meeting with the newspaper la Nacion they said: "Our position is not religious, discriminatory or fundamentalist, but merely legalistic..."

Desde el entorno privado del arzobispo dijeron a LA NACION: "Nuestra postura no es religiosa, discriminatoria ni fundamentalista, sino puramente legalista

He is considered a progressive within the Church: El primer papa latinoamericano y también el primero jesuita. Jorge Mario Bergoglio ha sido elegido este 13 de marzo de 2013 nuevo Papa. Es argentino, de 76 años y asume el nombre de Francisco. Nacido el 17 de diciembre de 1936, era el actual arzobispo de Buenos Aires. Se le considera un progresista dentro de la Iglesia.


The 77-year-old Francis may be an unlikely maverick in Rome, but he's been following the same playbook for decades in Buenos Aires, says the Rev. Gustavo Morello, an expert on Argentina's Catholic history.
But conservatives didn't like Bergoglio much, Morello says.
The future Pope once knelt before Pentecostal pastors and asked for a blessing. He argued that the state should recognize same-sex civil unions. He had no use for high-church liturgy or fancy vestments

John L. Allen of the National Catholic Report writes: „I was told by three sources in Argentina that the Times basically got it right: Bergoglio did, in fact, favor civil unions.“ This was confirmed to Allen on background by two senior officials of the bishops' conference in Argentina, both of whom worked with Bergoglio and took part in the behind-the-scenes discussions as the conference tried to shape its position. "Bergoglio supported civil unions," one of those officials told Allen.

One young Catholic told Allen, he had wanted to organize a public recitation of the rosary on the eve of the vote outside the legislature, knowing that supporters of gay marriage would also be there and the prayer would be a provocation. He wrote to Bergoglio seeking advice, he said, and Bergoglio called him directly, suggesting they pray at home instead.